
by Keith Best

I’m old enough to remember the mass of American people that were called “The Silent Majority back in the late 60’s and early 70’s. These were people that went about their everyday lives by concentrating on work, family and their faith, and didn’t make waves or get involved in society’s issues. They tended to lean conservative and were truly the majority in this country.

Events that have transpired over the last year or so have caused this Silent Majority to awaken from a slumber of complacency. A small part of this is the TEA Party. For every participant at a TEA Party rally there are thousands that weren’t able to be there. They are all concerned about the direction our current presidential administration has taken this country. They cannot remain silent any longer.

Many on the Left ask why didn’t they speak up when President George W. Bush was overspending? The answer is simple. Confusion came about because true conservatives believe in smaller government, less taxes, and not spending money we don’t have. Bush called his brand “Compassionate Conservatism”. It didn’t work. Now, Lefties claim the Republican Party has gone too far to the right. But in reality, the party has realized it has gotten away from its principles. Republicans get it!

The GOP realizes it has to promote candidates that believe in solid conservative principles. And once they’re in office they need to maintain those principles. Democrats act like Republicans to get elected, but the days of Republicans acting like Democrats to remain in power are over. There is a huge ideological difference between liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans, and the TEA Party needs to grasp this. The vehicle that will take our country back is the Republican Party.

There are five fingers of this movement that need to unite. When the Silent Majority, Independents, Conservatives, TEA Party and Republicans join together they form a powerful fist. A fist that can smash thru those that promote Socialism/ Marxism and ignore our Constitution. “REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER.”

Keith Best is a member of the Executive Board of the Republican Party of Waukesha County.