“Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous.” I John 3:12
By Riley J. Hood
Milwaukee County Constitution Party I was 14, and I had read a book called, “Late, Great Planet Earth” by Hal Lindsey. At first I thought it was a Planet of the apes spin off, as it was next to that series on the library shelf. In it HL refers to the end of the world by overpopulation predictions made the notorious Malthusian, Paul Ehrlich.
Thomas Malthus, wrote a book published in 1838 called, “The Struggle for Existence.” Malthus observed that if animals over graze, they will destroy their food source, and will experience a die off, and that human beings are no different, because they are animals too. He had a great influence on Charles Darwin, who referred the Malthus book in his preface, and at the end of his 1859 book, “Origin of the Species,” he even titled Chapter 3, “The Struggle for Existence.” It should come as no surprise, many evolutionists are hate-filled Atheists who view their fellow men as lower forms of animal life, especially when compared to themselves. Richard Dawkins states that a pre-born baby is of less value than a grown pig.
Mark Levin refers to Malthusians as “de-growthers.” Bernie Sanders came out in favor of population reduction on 9/4/19, and when the global warming crowd declares animals to be polluters, they aren’t merely trying to ban meat, they are trying to ban people, because they think of us as animals.
Paul Ehrlich argues in his book, Population Bomb (1968), that Americans are natures main destroyers, and we should be the prime targets for extermination. I’m sure Ehrlich has a low opinion of everybody else, and he is merely being politically correct in his advocacy for murder. In 1970 he stated, “Because of their impact on the environment, population growth among the affluent in the US, and their counterparts in Europe, the Soviet Union and Japan is the most serious in the world, even though it is not the most rapid. These people are the main consumers of our planet’s non-renewable resources, and polluters of the environment; their activities threaten to destroy the Earth’s life support systems. In terms of degradation of the environment, the birth of each American child is 50 times the disaster it is for the world as the birth of a child in India,” “an American baby is 300 times as dangerous to our future well-being as an Indonesian baby.” So in this man’s mind, your birth was a disaster.
19th century France’s Pierre-Joseph Proudhon stated that Malthusianism is “the theory of political murder.” “While it’s supporters…ask nothing better than to make the world happy, they cannot conceive how, without some sort of an organization of homicide.”
According to Economist Julian Simon, “The most strident prophets of doom…have been biologists, with handmaidens among physicists and chemists. The best sellers of book-length warnings of disaster due to population growth have been William Voght’s “Road to Survival,” Fairfield Osborn’s “Limits of Growth,” Carl Sax’ “Standing Room Only,” and Paul Ehrlich’s “Population Bomb,” all biologists,” “The Limits to Growth” is the rare exception in this genre that was produced by MIT engineers.”
So why are Malthusian predictions, like Global famine, Global epidemics, and Global warming always wrong? Because the way they view people is wrong. People aren’t just born with mouths, and are useless eaters, they have hands and minds, we are not animals, we are man created in the image of God. T. Nordhaus hit upon the truth that, “Viewing human beings the way we view single-celled organisms or insects risks treating them that way. Malthus argued against Poor Laws, in the belief that they only incentivized the poor to reproduce. Ehrlich argued against food aid for poor countries for similar reasons, and inspired population control measures of enormous cruelty.” Nordhaus further states, “Claims that carrying capacity is fixed, and demands for sweeping restrictions on human aspiration are neither scientific nor just. We are not fruit flies, programmed to reproduce until our population collapses. Nor are we cattle, whose numbers must be managed. To understand the human experience on our planet is to understand that we have remade the planet again and again, to serve our needs and our dreams.”
At the Milwaukee County Constitution Party, we reject Darwinism, and it’s evil offspring of Socialism, Marxism, Nazism, Eugenics, Population Control, Abortion and Genocide. Population control and global warming are nothing more the latest excuse to promote genocide, and to bludgeon the ones left alive into compliance with tyranny. As to the title scripture, there wasn’t that many people on the planet when the first murder took place, but in Cain’s mind, the world wasn’t big enough for Abel and himself, so Abel had to go. Any talk of overpopulation is nugatory, and always masks an agenda of murder. We assert that your Rights come from God, not the state, and we will never give them away to appease a social mob.