The Heartland Institute

by Greg Scandlen

March 26, 2010

It’s ugly weather in Washington,   DC today – but last weekend,   when Capitol Hill staffers were   locked indoors in the final rush   to vote on the Senate version of   health care reform, it was the most   beautiful weekend of the year.   Outside, people ran and played   with their dogs – inside, bleary eyed   staffers gazed longingly   through the windows, wishing   they could be anywhere but inside   the chambers of power.

But they did the work, and   now the president gets the credit.   He also gets to keep making all   those fun promises he’s made   along the way toward getting this   legislation passed – particularly   my favorite one, the “if you like   things the way they are, don’t   worry” promise.

A White House journalist   friend of mine, Mark Knoller,   pointed out a few weeks ago that   the president had stopped saying   these lines in his speeches. But in   remarks in Iowa City on Thursday,   they were back again, like a   long-missed old friend.

“All of the cynics and the naysayers   will have to finally confront   the reality of what this reform is   and what it isn’t,” Obama said.   “They will have to finally acknowledge   that this isn’t a government   takeover of our health   care system. They will see that if   Americans like their doctor, they   will keep their doctor. If people   like their plan, they will keep their   plan. No one will be able to take   that away from you.”

Of course, we know that’s not   true. Annenberg says it’s not true.   ABC News says it’s not true. Every   independent analyst says it’s   not true. And what’s more, as the   Associated Press reports today, it’s   already happening: “The health   care overhaul will cost U.S. companies   billions and make them   more likely to drop prescription   drug coverage for retirees because   of a change in how the government   subsidizes those benefits.   In the first two days after the law   was signed, three major companies   -- Deere & Co., Caterpillar   Inc. and Valero Energy -- said they   expect to take a total hit of $265   million to account for smaller tax   deductions in the future.”

But it’s springtime for Obama,   and he’s going to have some fun   with this moment. We’ll see soon   enough if people actually expect   him to tell them the truth.

– Ben Domenech, managing   editor, Health Care News

SOURCES: Time; Yahoo News; ABC   News; MSNBC; Wall Street Journal;   St. Petersburg Times;  




A timely and well-done piece   in The New York Times outlines   a shift that has very little relation   to President Barack Obama’s   reforms: the decline in private   practice doctors as more and more   move to salaried jobs. “As recently   as 2005, more than two-thirds of   medical practices were physicianowned   -- a share that had been   relatively constant for many years,   the Medical Group Management   Association says. But within three   years, that share dropped below   50 percent, and analysts say the   slide has continued.”

SOURCE: NY Times  




Many of the public advocates   for national health care reform   based their arguments on life expectancy:   America doesn’t compare   well to the rest of the world   on this point. Of course, death by   disease doesn’t do all that much   to drive our national life expectancy   down -- homicides and auto   accidents do that. But if life expectancy   were a function of access to   free medical care regardless of its   quality, one would have expected   the USSR’s life expectancy to do   something other than crater. And   it’s always worth noting that   American life expectancy at age 65   is actually higher than in Britain.

Libertarian (and Obama voter)   Megan McArdle at the Atlantic   Monthly had an excellent series   of pieces this week rounding   up the predictions made during   the course of this political battle,   many of them featuring pie-inthe-   sky predictions about American   life expectancy rates and   “saving hundreds of thousands of   lives.” Lots of people say a lot of   things to make a policy happen,   but accountability tends to be in   short supply when the outcomes   become clear.

SOURCE: The Atlantic; The Atlantic;

The Atlantic; City Journal; Mark J

Perry Blogspot  





I’m sure you all remember   that in the mid-1990s, the USDA   decided to require that all cereals   and grains be fortified with folic   acid in an effort to prevent spina   bifida and anencephaly. Then a   few years ago, the National Center   for Health Statistics published a   study showing the levels of folic   acid in the population were far   above the levels needed to prevent   birth defects (though the instances   of those two birth defects didn’t   actually decline). Now a new   study demonstrates that folates   in overabundance could actually   lead to a higher likelihood of   asthma.

SOURCE: The Heartland Institute;

Medical News Today; Guardian;





If there’s one thing that’s clear   about Obama’s reform package,   it’s that it wasn’t, as he said, a   “push back against the undue   influence of special interests.” Tim   Carney, a longtime investigative   reporter in Washington, DC and a   friend of mine, has been all over   the dominance in the reform process   by the biggest special interest   players:

“The health care bill Obama   signed into law Tuesday is a triumph   for the special interests. It   will benefit the biggest businesses,   and by injecting more government   into the economy, it will permanently   stimulate K Street. ... Taxpayers   will subsidize drug makers   even more. Employers will be   forced to give prescription-drug   insurance to workers. Generic   versions of biologic drugs will be   kept off the market for 12 years.   States will be forced to subsidize   drugs through Medicaid. Americans   will still be prohibited from   importing cheaper drugs from   China. Medicare will continue   overpaying for drugs.”

A CNN poll from the weekend   found 59 percent oppose the   health care bill, only 39 percent   favor it; 70 percent say the federal   budget deficit will go up under   the plan, while only 12 percent   believe it will go down; 62 percent   believe they’ll pay more for   medical care under the plan; and   56 percent say the bill creates “too   much government involvement in   the nation’s health care system.”   No wonder the average poll approval   of the American people   for this bill since its passage is 40   percent -- this wasn’t a bill made   for them, and they know it.

SOURCE: Washington Examiner ;

CNN Politics