Steve’s Say . . . Family Farmers Beware: The Collectivist are Coming!

The family farmers of Wisconsin and across America better get on board the freedom train and fast. The collectivists are coming for you and they’re coming now. And they plan to take your family farm.

After decades and decades of agricultural subsidies, family farmers have been recipients of government money from milk price supports to property tax exemptions to getting paid for not having to grow anything at all. And in the last decade, ethanol subsidies and payments for siting wind farms on your fields have netted family farmers huge profit windfalls.

Even though ethanol is an inferior transportation fuel and costs everyday people billions in lost transportation dollars, farmers have profited mightily. Just look at the state of Iowa. Republican presidential candidates tripped over each other to appease this special interest. The ongoing payments for windmills turning in your fields have helped pay for many extras, maybe a vacation or big screen TV. I can stand the flicker and the whirr you say. But with each passing day you’re not so sure.

But like anything that is a lie, such as “green” energy or agricultural subsidies, reality and the real agenda behind the lies comes crashing down in a heap of destruction. Collectivists knew that by incorporating subsidies into agriculture, these payments would be factored into ongoing operational decisions by most farmers. Once these payments are relied upon to meet ongoing expenses, and for most family farmers this is indeed the case, the time is ripe to collapse the system. All bubbles burst. All the Collectivists need to do is pop it.

And pop it they will. Their plan? Wind power and ethanol have been exposed by scientists, economists and real environmental professionals for the frauds that they are, notwithstanding the bogus claim of man-made carbon dioxide emissions destroying the planet. Soon these subsidies will rightly become history and the payments to family farmers evaporate into thin air. Honestly, we all knew this was going to happen and had to happen. All lies are unsustainable. But the Obama administration has both regulatory barrels in dead aim at family farmers.

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) – in conjunction with OSHA – has promulgated new work rules related to family members while outlawing some traditional and very vital farming practices. The days of 12- to 14 year-old boys piling the hay bales on the wagon and riding back to the barn are over. We can’t have farm kids being taken advantage of by their parents. These children need to be protected from slave labor.

EPA witch Lisa Jackson and her criminal unit have created regulations regarding “pollution” run-off from fertilizer and pesticide use which are designed to make compliance very costly or impossible for most family farmers. And for what environmental benefit? Who knows? The EPA apparently doesn’t need to tell us. But they would just make something up anyway if they did, just as they did with the new mercury rules.

So you see that between the end of the subsidies and the massive amount of new regulations being heaped upon family farmers, there will be no more profits. Let’s also not forget the local land use and zoning changes of the UN Agenda 21 mandate being instituted in townships and rural areas everywhere, resulting in burgeoning property taxes. Family farming will become financially unworkable. And you will be forced to sell your farm, if you’re lucky.

You see, the housing market has already been destroyed, so you won’t be selling to any land developers. Besides, the Agenda 21 land use and smart growth plans don’t allow for any economically viable projects. Even if they did, you can be sure your farm will be designated a wetland or habitat for an endangered species, such as the Butler Garter Snake. Other family farmers in the same boat want to sell, too, so there will be a glut of farmland for sale. So who will buy you out?

Some will get lucky and sell early, others will be foreclosed on by their bank. But of course these foreclosures are the exact opportunity for which the Collectivists lust. Now they can set up a government program to “help” family farmers sell their property or become part of a new government run agricultural “co-op.”

The end game? Get all farmland out of private ownership. Complete government control over the food supply. What do you think comes after that?

Signing that document allowing those wind turbines to invade your property was the day you surrendered your farm to the government.

See for yourself: 2009/02/01/wind-farms-trumplocal- land-use-laws-washington-governorcourt-decide.