Steve’s Say . . . Law Enforcement Shirks It’s Duty Once Again

After attending the Ronald Reagan Dinner on Friday night, November 3rd as part of the Americans for Prosperity (AFP) Defending the American Dream Summit in Washington DC, I experienced first hand the new “law enforcement” that now spans America. The new “law enforcement” philosophy is quite simple - ignore all criminal activity (which of course is confined exclusively to Leftist demonstrators), aid and abet these criminals by containing the law abiding citizens, stomp on the compliant citizen’s rights to free movement and assembly with threats of arrest or inaction, and, when circumstances make ignoring the criminal activity impossible and arrests must be made, just dismiss all cases and fines so that our demonstrator friends can return to the battlefield for more of the same.

The message has been sent all too clearly: THE COPS ARE NOT ON OUR SIDE.

Since last February when the demonstrations against the Budget Repair Bill began in Madison, this new “law enforcement” doctrine began it’s sordid infiltration of our country. All rules and laws regarding the use and procedures of our Capitol building were ignored. The Capitol Police let union criminals and Leftist thugs take over the building for weeks, sleeping on the floors and causing millions of dollars in damage. The Capitol police chief told the Assembly leaders that they couldn’t guarantee the safety of the Legislators  on  the  night  of  the  famous vote. What? If you can’t who the hell can?

Since  that  dark  time  death  threats against   Governor   Walker,   Lieutenant Governor Kleefisch and other Republican Legislators  have  been  ignored  or  swept under the rug. Case after case of criminal arrests and municipal fines issued to these Leftists have been dismissed by the Dane County District   Attorney.   And the Wisconsin  Attorney General, “Republican” J.B. Van Hollen, has been AWOL.

Leftist show up each day at noon in the Capitol   rotunda   for   their   vile   “sing around”  without  the  least  thought  of obtaining a use permit, a requirement that apparently only applies to TEA Party or Patriot  groups.   And when these Conservative groups do obtain a permit to use the space, the police refuse to remove the  Leftist  disruptors  which  continue  to ignore the law. The Communist contingent holding their Communist flag on the 2nd floor stare down the cops into submission. The cops are apparently scared to death of them or in their service. What an absolute disgrace!

In New York City, Mayor Bloomberg established the precedent that Leftist take overs of public property was not only acceptable but encouraged. Because of Mr. Bloomberg’s gross malfeasance of executive power, a taxpayer subsidized incubator of criminal activity continues to flourish and expand, destroying the businesses and lives of law abiding and productive citizens who dared to commit the crime of conducting a legitimate livelihood in an area near the criminal camp. This beautiful model has spread all across the country, from Oakland to Nashville, Phoenix to Syracuse, Milwaukee to Sheboygan. All these “Occupy” camps have been embraced by the  President,  Nancy  Pelosi,  the  unions and the entire Democrat Party power structure. They own them.

As I am writing Fox News reports more arrests for all types of crimes including one death at many of the “Occupy” sites. Thirty-seven people were arrested and ticketed in Syracuse, New York where the DA promptly announced that all the tickets would be dismissed.

The unmistakable conclusion from all these divergent events: Law enforcement will be doled out according to political affiliation. And the first loyalty of cops is to their public sector unions and “brothers.”

For the rule of law to exist in a free society,  those  charged  with  this  duty  of enforcement and protection MUST see this duty as their highest priority. The events of this year unequivocally show this not to be the case. Since they are not interested in doing their jobs and upholding their sacred duty, THEY SHOULD ALL BE FIRED! What do we need them for? Why are we paying them anything?

I am severely disappointed with our public protection sector including cops, firemen, public attorneys and politicians. Their appeasement and coddling of these anarchistic criminals will soon result in an unmitigated disaster which will fundamentally change the direction of America. We must make sure the change is back to the intent outlined by our Founding Fathers in the US Constitution and not degenerate into the totalitarian Leftist vision of one world government.

But we are going to have to do it alone. Law enforcement has made it perfectly clear that they are on the side of the destroyers.