An important PUBLIC MEETING happened August 24, at 1:00 pm Eastern Time discussed the immoral, inhumane and illegal human experimentation that the US Environmental Protection Agency and its hired researchers have been performing for years on unsuspecting human test subjects. Now EPA is trying to use the National Academy of Sciences to wiggle out of its despicable and indefensible actions. Steve Milloy, Dr. John Dunn & and Dr. Stan Young versus EPA – presented before the National Academy of Sciences, regarding EPA’s illegal experiments on human beings.
See: academy-of-sciences-corral/
Summary of the Event EPAsecretly hired the National of Sciences (NAS) to whitewash its program of illegal human experimentation. When Junk Science director Steve Milloy learned of the EPA’s plans, he exposed them and compelled the NAS to re-open the virtually concluded policymaking process and hold a public meeting, which took place on Wednesday, August 24 at 1pm ET.
For more details about these experiments, see Milloy’s July 24 commentary in The Washington Times (which begins on page 1).
What Happened at the NAS Meeting? Steve Milloy, MHS, JD, LLM, John Dunn, MD, JD and Stan Young, PhD each made a 30-minute presentation to the previously secret NAS special committee on the EPAhuman experiments. This was all new, EPA-incriminating information that the NAS Committee had never heard before.
How Can You Listen to the Meeting? Here is the NAS web page for the August 24, 1pm ET meeting. The meeting will be held by webinar so that everyone can listen in and even ask questions or make comments. Listening or participating in the webinar requires that you download/install WebEx software. It’s very easy to do. Please contact Orin Luke at the NAS (, and he will set you up.