Patrick Henry … 1775


This is the full text of Patrick Henry’s address to the Virginia House of Burgesses 1775

Mr. President, it is normal for men to want to hold on to hope. We want to shut our eyes against a painful truth. We want to listen to what pleases us. Is this what smart men do when they are in a great and difficult struggle for liberty (freedom)? Are we going to be like others who, though they have eyes, do not see the truth? Or, like those who have ears, but do not hear the things that are important to their civil protection? For my part, whatever spiritual suffering it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth. I want to know the worst and get ready for it.

My feet are led by one light. That light is my experience. I can’t judge the future, but I can use the past to guide me. Judging by the past, I wish I understood what the British have done for the last 10 years to make right those hopes that gentlemen have been happy to comfort themselves with? Does giving us a deceitful smile in response to our petition comfort you? Do not trust your comfort, sir. It will prove to bring you down. Do not think that we are betrayed. Ask yourself how your response to our petition fits with you preparing for war in our waters and on our land. Do you think fleets of ships and armies show us love and a willingness to fix what is not working? Do we seem unwilling to work with you? Do you think you must use force to win our love? Let’s not lie to ourselves, sir. These are the tools of war and an act of trying to enslave us. I ask gentlemen, sir, that if this is the last thing that the king resorts to, is it not meant to force us to do what you want? Can you think of any other reason for it? Does Great Britain have any other enemy in our part of the world that would give a reason for bringing in navies and armies? No sir, Great Britain has none. They are meant for us. They are sent over here to make us bound to the British ministry.

And how do we go against them? Should we try to argue? Sir, we have been trying that for the last 10 years. We have nothing new to offer. We have tried to talk to you in every way possible, but it was all for nothing. Should we resort to begging? What terms could we give that we haven’t already? Let us not, I ask you, sir, lie to ourselves any longer. Sir, we have done everything that could be done to stop the violence that will happen. We have petitioned. We have objected. We have prayed. We have laid ourselves before the throne and asked its parts to stop the tyrannical hands of the ministry and parliament. Our petitions have been ignored. Our protests have made more violence and insult. Our objections have been disregarded. The throne has rejected us. Even after these things, may we have the hope for peace and friendliness?

There is no longer room for hope. We wish to be free. We want to keep the privileges that we have been asking for. We do not want to give up on our long and noble struggle. We have pledged to not give up until we get what we want. We must fight! I repeat it, sir. We must fight. A plea to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left to us!

They tell us, sir, that we are weak. They tell us that we won’t be able to cope with such an enemy. But when will we be stronger? Will it be next week? Or, next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed? Will it be when a British guard is in every one of our houses? Will we get strength by not acting? Will we become effective by lying on our backs and hugging the ghosts of hope until our enemy has caught both our hands and our feet? Sir, we are not weak if we use the forces God of nature has placed in our power. Three millions of people who want liberty (freedom) and live in this country, are unbeatable against any enemy. Besides, sir, we will not fight our battles alone. There is a God who rules over the future of nations. This God will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not for the strong alone. It is also for the alert, the active, and the brave. Besides, sir, we have no choice. If we wanted to, it is now too late to get out of this contest. There is no retreat, unless we want to be controlled and enslaved! Our chains are formed. Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war will happen – and let it come! I repeat it, sir. Let it come!

It is useless, sir, to make this matter last any longer. Gentlemen may yell, peace, peace – but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next wind that sweeps from the north will bring the sound of military arms! Our brothers are already in the field! Why would we stand here doing nothing? What is it that gentlemen want? What would they have us do? Is life so important, or peace so sweet, that it can be bought for the price of chains and slavery? Stop it, Almighty God! I do not know what course others would take. But, as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!