Finkel Fails

Dr Finkel, grandly titled as “Australia’s Chief Scientist”, was paid by tax payers to produce:

“A Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market”.

This report has been studied and is rated “FAIL”.

It Fails in Science

It Fails Electricity Consumers

It Fails Australia

But Green Energy Promotors are Delighted.

Substantiation of this “FAIL” assessment can be found here in this magnificent Open Letter by Dr Michael Crawford. See: dr-alan-finkel.pdf

Read All about it:

The Climate of Confusion:

Climate of Confusion

The Fakel Report: Finkel’s Fake Economics

The Fakel Report: Finkel’s Fake Economics

The Fakel Report: Finkel’s Fake Economics 2.0

Electricity Hopes Lost:

Even Visiting Americans can see the foolish mess Australian politicians have created: down-under-n2355240

Australian Engineer, Bob Brock, puts it clearly: “the solution to Australia’s growing energy crisis is blindingly simple:

  1. Defer until 2030 the implementation of the UN Climate Agreement.
  2. Cancel all Renewable Emissions Targets (RETs) and Clean Energy Targets (CETs).
  3. Cancel all Federal subsidies for Renewable Energy.
  4. Advocate 99.98% availability targets for all energy suppliers to ensure reliability of supply.
  5. Advocate building only traditional coal-fired power stations in the future for base load.
  6. Do not support the use of gas as a base-load fuel as it is more expensive than coal.
  7. Do not advocate High Efficiency Low Emission (HELE) power stations unless the economics justify their more expensive construction costs. The extra CO2 that conventional coal-fired power stations emit is neither dirty nor a pollutant – despite advice from the Green Coalition which dominates the Labor, Liberal and Green Parties.
  8. If, in the face of scientific evidence, you still want to believe that CO2 is a problem, commit to a concurrent long term plan for developing a Nuclear Industry. If these policies were implemented, we would not need expensive interconnecting transmission lines, or the costly, parasitic Energy Marketing Operator (States would be responsible), or PM Turnbull’s energy recycling scheme, Snowy Mk 2.0.”

Hottest Day Evaah? and-michigan/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email& utm_campaign=Feed%3A+psintl+%28Principia+Scientific+Intl

Biggest Iceberg Evaah? fakenews/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm _campaign=Feed%3A+psintl+%28Principia+Scientific+Intl+- +Latest+News%29

More on Mann hockey-stick-mann/

The History of the Climate Scare:

A nice overview of the history of the global warming scare since 1988 alarmism.html

The Sorry Story of Temperature Data Manipulation: 062717.pdf

From The Carbon Sense Newsletter, Prepared by Viv Forbes & Helpers