Recalling Vos It’s all about leadership

By Bill Savage
It is no secret that I am not a fan of Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos. After twenty years of working at the State Capitol I could literally write a book on Vos, and his quest for power; power at the expense of the people of Wisconsin.
It’s been two days since a group of people in the 63rd Assembly District which Robin Vos represents has filed to recall him and so far there has not been one reason given by the Vos sycophants on why Robin Vos should remain speaker. We heard attacks on the guy who filed the recall papers, we’ve heard how someone spelled Vos with two s’s and Wisconsin Right Now (which does excellent work when not trying to prove their allegiance to Vos) has resorted to name calling, primarily because there are no pro-Vos talking points to offer.
Vos’s obstruction is well documented, as is Dan O’Donnell’s poor track record on accurately reporting on issues regarding Vos. Included in letter is a list reasons why Vos cannot be defended. Read my letter to Mr. O’Donnell.
Letter to Dan O’Donnell
Dear Dan O’Donnell, Several weeks ago, on your program you did a segment on the Adam Steen campaign, and a few thousand dollars that he received from a county party while you ignored the million dollars Vos raised. We found 13 lobbyists listed as donors on just the first two pages of his campaign report.
In your rush to rub Adam Steen’s campaign into the mud you had even found yourself retracting statements you made about the true patriot Adrianne Melby. Perhaps if you weren’t so busy regurgitating Robin Vos’s talking points and had done some actual reporting you wouldn’t have been so sloppy. But back to the reason for this letter. You stated that many of your listeners hate Robin Vos. You were correct. Unfortunately, you went on to say that many conservatives have soured on Vos because and I paraphrase, that’s what conservatives do. Like Bush and the absolute despot Paul Ryan, we just willy-nilly decided that we don’t support Vos for basically no reason whatsoever. I was quite astonished that you would blurt out such nonsense. The conservative voter is an informed voter, and you should show a bit more respect. It is clear that WISN has become the mouthpiece for Vos and the rest of the establishment. You’re not quite as bad as Weber and we thank you for that. I would imagine that the $150,000 or more that the Vos campaign spent on WISN ads as you all were desperately trying to drag him across the finish line along with other ad money thrown WISN’s way goes a long way to “impress” the hosts. That’s ok, your in the business to make money, we understand that and it’s all good. But let me share with you just a few reasons why we have soured on Robin Vos.

  1. Vos took away Andre Jacques committee for holding a hearing on “prevailing Wage” and then took credit for prevailing wage. Note: Prevailing wage then passed unanimously by the assembly.
  2. Vos then supported Jacque’s competition for an open senate seat, a 20-year-old carpetbagger. Also got Kitchens, Steineke, Macco, and Stephens to do the same.
  3. Vos wouldn’t allow the bill to prevent planned parenthood for selling parts of aborted babies to UW to go forward. Dan O’Donnell must not have seen the video from Planned Parenthood showing abortion “doctors” how to abort babies while keeping vital organs intact so UW would pay more. We all know Vos got money from both UW and Planned Parenthood to kill the bill.
  4. Vos lied about why he fired Tim Ramthun’s staff. In a letter from leadership, it was said that Ramthun’s staff lied about Vos’s connection with Clinton lawyer Marc Alias. When people like me and others (including your colleague, Mark Belling) pointed out that Ramthun did not lie, Vos went on Jay weber’s show and changed his story. Vos told Weber that Ramthun’s staff was fired for promoting Ramthun’s resolution to decertify the election. Imagine a staffer being fired for promoting his boss’s positions!
  5. Vos lied about Trump’s support. Robin Vos circulated a picture of himself and Trump during the primary campaign against Steen. All the while knowing that Trump despises him.
  6. Vos has directed his county party to not allow conservatives to join the party. Do you call that leadership?
  7. Vos has removed the staff and committee chair assignments for Brandtjen, Allen, Wichgers and Behnke for simply not being Vos sycophants. Allen, Brandtjen and Wichgers represent some of the reddest areas of the state and have been limited in their ability to promote the republican (and more importantly, the CONSERVATIVE message) in those red areas. Again, even a WISN host under strict “protect Vos” orders cannot justify such behavior as “leadership” can you?
  8. Robin Vos spent a million dollars of taxpayer money to hire Justice Gableman for no other purpose than to thwart Brandtjen’s investigation into the 2020 election. An investigation that Vos himself ordered and conducted by a committee chair (Brandtjen) that HE appointed. As soon as Gableman reached the same conclusion that Brandtjen did (the 2020 election was flawed to the point that we cannot have confidence in the result of the election) Vos turned on him and fired him. Vos called a LARGE PORTION of the republican party “conspiracy theorists” on the Jay Weber show. Again, I ask if you think THAT is leadership.
  9. Robin Vos went on Jay Weber’s show the day after Vos “won” his race against the unknown, underfunded Steen by 260 votes. Most of us strongly suspect foul play since the votes ‘seemed” to appear around midnight, and Robin Vos seems to be beholden to Meagan Wolfe. Robin Vos has given lip service to “wanting Wolfe gone” but has not used any of the tools provided to him to remove her, including CH 15.61 - see an interesting article from The MacIver Institute asking why the legislature hasn’t moved…/wisconsin-law…/ you’ll recognize it pretty quick, after all you wrote it.
  10. Robin Vos continues to break the law. He refuses to provide the people of Wisconsin with open and transparent government.
  11. Robin Vos refused to support all inquiries into the 2020 election. He even went as far as to side with Meagan Wolfe against his own committee chair when Rep. Brandtjen asked WEC for documents that could only be considered a reasonable request by a legislative oversight committee chair.
  12. Not only did Vos not support Brandtjen’s request for information WEC, WEC had the nerve to SUE her for requesting the information! But WAIT!!! THERE’S MORE! Although Vos spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on HIS OWN defense, he denied any legal assistance to the chair of the committee that HE assigned the task of investigating the election. Vos VOTED for AR-15 that clearly DIRCETED Brandtjen’s committee to investigate the election. Now, let me say this here and now. YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY CONSIDER THAT LEADERSHIP!!! Election integrity remains the number issue with republican voters and YOUR LEADER has done NOTHING but call those voters conspiracy theorists. I’d like to hear your justification for that.
  13. Robin Vos spent, at the very least, a half of million dollars of RACC money on his reelection campaign. He had lobbyists donating to his campaign and knocking on doors for him. He even strongarmed representatives to knock on the doors for him during his primary race. Sortwell, Callahan, Murphy and others all went down and knocked on doors but literally hid from cameras while doing so. Let me ask you this Mr. O’Donnell, have you ever campaigned for someone but was ashamed to admit it? Let me answer for you. NO, YOU DID NOT. None of us would ever do that. We put pictures of ourselves with the candidate’s literature on social media, hoping EVERYONE sees it! But these legislators hid. What say you, Mr. O’Donnell?
  14. The budget has exploded under Vos. 51% since Vos has been in leadership. We could go on forever with this, but you get the drift…. You DO get the drift, don’t you Dan?
    One of the number of reasons that Vos is reportedly polling at 16% is his constant game playing regarding election integrity and the 2020 election. I outline that in my letter to Jefferson Davis, who despite giving a excellent presentation about the 2020 election steal, feels a need to protect Vos even at his own peril. Read the letter to Mr. Davis.

Statement on the exchange between Jefferson Davis and myself
Statement on the exchange between Jefferson Davis and myself during an Election Integrity presentation.
For those of you who have not seen the brilliant presentation by Jefferson Davis regarding election integrity, you simply must see it. Jefferson takes the extensive research done by State Representative Janel Brandtjen and her staff (including yours truly), former State Rep. Tim Ramthun, election expert Peter Bernegger, former Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman and just too many other to mention and he presents the material in a concise and thorough manner. He uses his charm, wit and speaking skills to clearly make the case on why the 2020 election was not only stolen but stolen in broad daylight and using a multifaceted illegal and unethical approach to the 2020 election. Unfortunately, Mr. Davis continues to claim that the leaders at the State Capitol are “working with him” to provide “wins” for those of us who know that Joe Biden didn’t win Wisconsin, or Georgia or Arizona and so on. I can appreciate Jefferson’s decision to not use his presentation to bash the tyrant known as Robin Vos, I agree, stick to the facts. But then STICK to the facts.
There is not one person following the issue who isn’t aware that Robin Vos not only is uncooperative regarding election integrity, but he has also done EVERYTHING in his power to thwart the investigation. He lied to President Trump, he turned his back on Janel Brandtjen, he took away Tim Ramthun’s staff and wouldn’t allow him in meeting regarding the election issue. He hired Gableman, spending a million dollars to undermine Brandtjen’s authority, then fired Gableman for finding out what most of already know, the election was stolen. Jefferson went as far as to thank Representative Ron Tusler this past Saturday for coming to a patriots group event. The event was 75% election integrity based. Tusler is the author of the Ranked Choice Bill AND the Monday Count Bill. Tusler stands for everything that the entire group despises (and yeah, I bet I can speak for everyone in the room!). My question to Tusler was “what are you doing here?”
Back to the election steal. We have known about these illegal activities for well over two years now. Green Bay’s mayor, special voting deputies, the ballot harvesting in Madison, the illegal drop boxes, the bloated voter rolls, the indefinitely confined debacle, and the illegal ballot curing done in the five major cities.
So… my question to Mr. Davis is this – Since we have such an overwhelming and convincing amount of evidence, that is being presented by yourself (in a brilliant presentation) and these so-called leaders at the capitol are cooperating, why has it taken such a herculean effort for the last (almost three years) to get even the slightest movement on these issues? Why is Robin Vos still calling us conspiracy theorists if he is serious about helping us regain election security? Do you not know that if Robin Vos really wanted Meagan Wolfe gone, she would be gone?
I am disheartened that Jefferson would allow the fantastic work he has done to be undermined by an ill-advised and I might add, useless sop, to those who are clearly standing in the way of democracy.
I have outlined in numerous Substack articles Vos’s failure to respect the Republican platform (which is a conservative platform). A quick look at the budget over Vos’s tenure as speaker shows his willingness to allow government spending to explode. A bloated budget allows Vos to pass out favors to his campaign donors.

Newsletter 19# -Budget
Newsletter 19#
Holding Republicans Accountable
In past newsletters I’ve pointed out that even though republican candidates in Wisconsin consistently campaign on the promise that they will “fight” for lower taxes, less government, less spending etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, they don’t come close to living up to these promises. I also pointed out that the proof is in the pudding. They are either voting against bloated budgets or they are not. Right now, in the Assembly, only Janel Brandtjen has voted no on multiple budgets and both Scott Allen (2017) and Rick Gundrum (2019) has voted no on one. Other than that, every assembly republican has voted for every budget that has been put in front of them.
As most of you are aware, I have a personal project call “We’ve Had Enough” that is looking to find and support candidates to run against these republicans who say one thing at the conservative events in their districts and then go to Madison and giveaway YOUR representation to Robin Vos.
The chart below says it all and nothing more really needs to be said. Why is Robin Vos willing to spend this kind of taxpayer money? I’ve outlined that in past newsletters. The road builders, the Hospital Assoc, the teachers’ union, Planned Parenthood, the University system (the list goes on and on) all have deep pockets and are willing to pay to play. Where do you think Vos got a million for his own re-election campaign? Every lobbyist in the state was knocking on doors for him. Why? YOU KNOW WHY!
Look at the spending that was done under republican leadership! “Republicans” if that is what you want to call them, have had HUGE majorities in the legislature for the ENTIRE time that the chart below addresses. Not one penny was “forced upon them” this is ALL REPUBLICAN spending. Ask yourself this question – HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH?
As I crisscross the state, please consider becoming a paid subscriber to help with gas, food, and lodging.
Vos’s dishonesty is also well known. And WISN seems to be willing to give this dishonest man a platform. When Vos removed Tim Ramthun’s staff, I did a Facebook post outlining the lies involved. WE MUST BE ABLE TO TRUST OUR SPEAKER!
“Vos went on Jay Weber and lied to all of us about the “Ramthun staffer” Vos made it clear, and the follow-up letter from “leadership” (below) confirmed that the Ramthun staffer was removed because the office “lied” about Vos’s involvement in the drop box drama. Mark Belling and others, including myself challenged that, because Ramthun did not lie. Vos then changed his story and on Friday, February 16, 2022 (on The Jay Weber Show), Vos said that Tristan was removed because he was developing a state wide network for decertification
However that is what Tristan’s job is. To promote the positions of the representative and garner support for the measures he brings forward. He basically admitted he removed Tristan for being too good at his job. This should cause concern for every fair minded American.
We need to to hold everyone of these people accountable. If you see your representative on this list ask them why they blindly follow someone who lies. You have a right to know. See the original letter from leadership!”
As you can see the Assembly leadership under Vos has NO PROBLEM lying to the public. In my opinion Vos is just the first pin that needs to be dropped. They ALL MUST GO!!!