Visitor Posts

American Energy for The American People

“It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer: but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth.” Proverbs 20:14I have heard false reports that America is “Energy Independent” now, ever since December of 2015 when Paul RINO and Obama enacted a law increasing American oil exports, so global interests can keep us paying…

An Open Letter

To Greta Thunberg from Camp Constitution’s Campers Inviting Her to our 2020 Family CampDear Greta, We, the Youth of Camp Constitution, writing to you from all over the United States, invite you to Camp Constitution July 19-24, attending Camp Constitution we know our future is bright and if you are able to attend yours will…

Open letter to Professor Michael E. Mann

Upon Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann’s latest lawsuit threat to Pastor Jonathan Lange, who honestly reported on his legal defeat versus Tim Ball, we post a public letter to Mann by a valued PSI member: Michael E. Mann Distinguished Professor Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 514 Walker Building FAX:…

Murder without Borders

“Cursed is he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person. And all the people shall say Amen.” Deuteronomy 27:25Milwaukee County Constitution Party Every time I watch a PBS video, I do so with a critical eye. I ask, “what about the groups they are promoting?” Liberals promote the liberal narrative, and that means free…

Fake news

An open letter to the Editor of the Washington PostYet again, the hard-Left Washington Post has libeled Dr Willie Soon, whom many of us know to be one of the most dedicated scientists in single-minded pursuit of the objective truth about global warming. If you agree with the following Letter to the Editor, please write…

Dear Republican Members of the Wisconsin Legislature

Once again, you have confirmed the reason Gov. Walker lost the last election to a hapless, inept, radical liberal. On second thought, maybe he’s not as hapless and inept as we think. With your recent actions on the budget and roads you give the people of Wisconsin no reason to vote for you. Will Republicans…