Feingold and Foolsgold Senator Russ Feingold must be thinking his constituents are fools. Does he really expect us to believe he is for cutting spending as he claims? Remember, Feingold voted for the Stimulus Bill for $800 plus billion dollars that Obama claimed would keep unemployment in this country below 8 percent, yet promptly went…
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Government Circus
Wisconsin’s 10-Year Health Plan Includes Government Expansion, New Taxes Wisconsin’s 10-Year Health Plan Includes Government Expansion, New Taxes Available Online, copyright free: h t t p : / / m a c i v e r i n s t i t u t e . c o m / 2010/07/wisconsins-10-year-health-planincludes- government- expansion-new-taxes/ [MacIver News…
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Once More to Massachusetts and Obamacare and Taxes
I really hate it that I have to write about Obamacare every week. Unfortunately, the law is so sweeping and so onerous that it has taken all of the air out of the room and left little time to discuss anything else. We don’t get to look at any other developments around the world or…
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Steve’s Say . . .
Let’s Solve Real Problems I never saw anything like it. A lake over 15 feet deep spanning several acres between the next two houses north and into my backyard with a bay across our small road four feet deep, the tippy-top of the fire hydrant barely sticking out. Over seven inches of rain falling in…
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License To Steal
Redistribution of Wealth and the Shaping of a New America . . . Part 2 of 2 By Gary Wickert Cap and Trade Cap and trade is a tax, pure and simple. But it is a tax unlike any other. Cap and trade is an economy-wide tax under the guise of saving the environment. It…
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How the IRS Aids and Abets Illegal Aliens in Identity Theft
by Steve Welcenbach With the Liberals and Leftists in urban governments racing to condemn Arizona and its attempt to stop drowning in the illegal immigrant tide, it is clear that the current Federal administration has no interest in protecting American citizens and doing whatever they can to aid and abet the invaders. We hear time…