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Candidate’s Corner

Russ Feingold is Not Just Pro-Abortion – He’s Anti Life! U.S. Senator Russ Feingold is up for re-election in 2010 and he wants you to vote for him. Does he deserve your vote? Consider this – Russ Feingold has one of the worst right-to-life voting records of any member of Congress. Here are some of…

Government Circus

Connecting the D.O.T.S. (Discipline-Order-Training-Structure) Reform in Corrections in Milwaukee County by Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. Beginning December 1, 2010, the County Correctional Facility, (formerly known as the House of Correction) in Franklin, Wisconsin, will undergo a change in philosophy. The current model has been ineffective and costly and is doing nothing to reduce recidivism.…

Consumer Power Report #235

I’ve decided not to renew my coverage when the bill comes in for the 4th quarter. I currently pay $320/mo for a $2,500- deductible BCBS plan. I have an HSA and have saved up a fair amount of money in it. Pretty good deal. So why drop it? 1. I have never even come close…

Keynesianism? Keynesian Economics, What is it?

John M. Keynes and his influence promoted the advocacy of monetary and fiscal programs by government to try to increase employment (key word TRY, not succeed) thereby increasing more spending of our tax dollar and promoting citizens to become more dependent on government. In effect, losing the desire to become self-sufficient. Keynesian economics were activated…

Hiding in Plain Sight

By Gary L. Wickert “The man who produces while others dispose of his product is a slave.” – Ayn Rand They used to hide in the shadows. Unfortunately, today’s detractors of capitalism and the American free market system have come out of the closet, operating openly in places such as American universities, AARP, labor unions,…

Steve’s Say . . .

Politcal Courage Requires Recognition, Support and Cultivation The article appearing in the Aug. 16 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel featuring Ron Johnson and some of the positions he espouses and conclusions he’s reached caught my interest on two levels: 1) The article exemplified how the Feingold supporters at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel plan to dismantle this formidable…