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My Story

by Rebecca Kleefisch   Dear Friends, About two and a half weeks before I became Scott Walker’s running mate, my life changed. No doubt my life changed the night of the primary, too, but what happened before is something I want to share with you. Statewide campaigns are a rigorous business. I had traveled Wisconsin…

Black Crosses and Black Deaths

Attacks on coal-mining and use would trample on hopes, progress, living standards and lives Are these people crazy? Are they so disconnected from reality that they don’t understand how vital coal is to jobs, living standards, civil rights progress and life itself? How else can anyone react to a new environmentalist campaign to erect black…

Steve’s Say . . .

Education Reform – The Highest Priority For All Governors Today is Monday, October 4, 2010. I will be attending a Luncheon Event in support of gubernatorial candidate Scott Walker including a truly special guest, the 55th Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie. Governor Christie, elected last year in spite of huge Democrat party support and…

Healthcare Exam – part II

potential Impact of Health Reform on the Cost of private Health Insurance Coverage by PricewaterhouseCoopers for the Heartland Institute, October 2009 Private healthcare costs are anticipated to grow over the next decade by approximately 6 percent per year under current law, which is more than double the expected growth in the Consumer Price Index of…

Citizens’ Guide to High Speed Rail Construction Debate

Currently, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation is working on convincing local governments in Southeast Wisconsin to invest local property tax dollars for the construction and maintenance of train stations along the proposed Milwaukee to Madison high speed rail line. The DOT is promising some funds toward construction of the stations, however the Department has repeatedly…