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The Cancun Climate Con

The UN seeks to redistribute wealth, while CFACT works to reduce “energy poverty” By Duggan Flanakin As conference delegates shivered in Cancun during its coldest weather in 100 years, power-hungry elitists labored behind the scenes to implement the real goal of this “global warming” summit, this sixteenth Conference of the Parties (COP- 16), this clever…

America’s Military

  By Dale Kooyenga America’s military is the envy of virtually every nation in the world, however, the U.S. military of tomorrow does face significant challenges. Americans should be concerned about rogue states such as North Korea and Iran as well as non-state actors such as Al- Qaeda, but we should be equally concerned about…

Memo to America: Don’t do carbon trading!

The United States must learn from Europe’s mistakes – not repeat them By Roger Helmer Senator Harry Reid has repeatedly denounced opposition to carbon trading as “dangerous.” Senator Reid is wrong. It is the House and Senate climate and renewable energy bills that are dangerous. Fortunately, the recent elections and the ongoing dissension at the…

Karsh on “Obama’s Failed Middle East Policy”

Efraim Karsh is editor of the Middle East Quarterly and Professor of Middle East and Mediterranean Studies at King’s College London. The author of 15 books, he has held various academic posts at Harvard and Columbia universities, the Sorbonne, the London School of Economics, the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, the Kennan Institute…

Special State of the Family Report:

Wisconsin Provides $38,000 per year in Tax-Free Benefits to Single Mothers Choosing Not to Marry the Fathers of Their Children By Glenn Grothman America’s Biggest Problem: The Breakdown of the Family We are all grateful when children are not aborted. Nevertheless, out-of-wedlock births have grown from 10.7 percent in 1970 to 41 percent last year.…