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A statement from Kim Simac on proper conduct in America

On Conduct that is Expected in America We are well aware of the event planned for Rhinelander’s Mulligan’s restaurant where Jim Holperin supporters are having a welcome home celebration this Thursday evening. I personally think welcome home celebrations should be saved for our real heroes, the military ones, but many seem to disregard the true…

The Real Truth of Liberalism

by James A. Henderson The vexing dilemma in being a liberal is that one has been brainwashed, conditioned along the way, by an ideology, which is not a logical or reasonable way of looking at life. One cannot solve anybody else’s problems. The emphasis should be on constantly improving oneself. As in do-it-yourself. Liberals always…

Steve’s Letter to ACS

Following is an except review and response , concerning Steve’s letter to ACS; Dear Mr. Welcenbach: Congratulations on your letter of resignation from ACS. It was compelling and beautifully written. I couldn’t agree more. I wish you luck in your career as a non-member of ACS. It’s a crime to see the bureaucracies of formerly…