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Balancing Budgets: Good Politics, Good Policy

Purposeful deficit reduction can result in electoral success Ottawa, Ontario – Contrary to the conventional view that deficit-cutting governments court political unpopularity, history shows that vigorous action to balance the budget and keep it balanced is both good economics and good politics. Yet, apparently inspired by the conventional wisdom, the current Conservative government is pursuing…

Chicken Burn/Corn Roast: Event in Wauwatosa, September 18th

Party Leadership: I wanted to alert you to a great event that will be put on in Wauwatosa on September 18th.  The annual “Chicken Burn/Corn Roast” will be an exciting and educational forum featuring conservative leaders, including Mark Neumann, Frank Lasee, and Glen Grothman, and invited guests Tommy Thompson, Jeff Fitzgerald, and Ted Kanavas.  I…

Alberta Darling – Our Hero

Accomplishing the seemingly impossible last week. By Steve Welcenbach After an onslaught of money and attack ads never before seen any any state senate election anywhere ever, after being the direct target of the President’s own political action hit team, she not only retained her Senate seat after being recalled but annihilated her opponent. She…

Media Launches Newspaper, Freedom Weekly, to Present Alternative Viewpoint to the Citizens of SE Wisconsin

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:      Tom Wolff                         Milo Media, LLC                         (262) 349-3323                GERMANTOWN, Wis. – MILO Media, LLC, announced today the second issue of its new publication, Freedom Weekly. “Freedom Weekly is focused on honestly presenting both sides of political issues,” said editor Tom Wolff.  “We will prominently feature a point/counterpoint in…