The Immorality of a Government Imposed Safety Net One of the areas of so called “agreement” between the Left and Right, as articulated by our own Paul Ryan and Senator Ron Johnson, involves a “strong safety net.” Unfortunately, what comprises a “strong safety net,” how it is delivered and by whom is not discussed but…
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The Rand Paul Budget
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) submitted a budget to be considered for adoption by the Republican Party as a pathway forward to address the federal debt, economic and liberty issues now being faced by Americans. The simplicity and directness of his approach illustrates that an elected official committed to constitutional principles and truly addressing the problems…
Don Pridemore, Free Articles
It’s time to start looking at what our kids are being taught in some of our public schools
By Don Pridemore For those of us who may have shipped our kids off to our local public school without asking too many questions, relied on them to educate our kids to the same basic curriculum that was taught to us some 20 years or so ago, it’s time to revisit that decision. If we…
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Steve’s Say . . .
The Morality of Education: What Frederick Douglass Taught Us Frederick Douglass, slave, escapee, carpenter, caulker, author, orator, political activist, entrepreneur, advisor, et al, left an enduring legacy for all Americans to emulate. No one started any lower in society, yet few, if any, were more successful at living the American Dream, or even truly understanding…
Dean Garrison, Free Articles
If They Come for Your Guns, Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight?
By Dean Garrison I feel a tremendous responsibility to write this article though I am a little apprehensive. Thinking about the possibility of rising up against our own government is a frightening thing for many of us. I am not Johnny Rambo and I will be the first to admit that I do not want…
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Steve’s Say . . .
The Necessity of Making the Moral Case Making the moral case. This is the secret of the Left’s political success, the political success of Obama. The moral case doesn’t have to be logical. The moral case does not have to make sense. The moral case is not required to be real or consistent or even…