The other night, while in a deep sleep in a cabin on the shores of a Northwoods lake, I suddenly found myself chairing a US Senate committee meeting. Our committee was going over the legislative agenda items we were about to enact. Somehow I knew that my party was being led by a progressive, charismatic,…
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Harvard study: Gun control is actually pretty counterproductive
I’ve just learned that Washington, D.C.’s petition for a rehearing of the Parker case in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit was denied today. This is good news. Readers will recall in this case that the D.C. Circuit overturned the decades-long ban on gun ownership in the nation’s capitol on Second Amendment…
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Steve’s Say . . . Local Politics: Where Your Vote Really Counts!
As a Reality News reader you probably know that in addition to being a chemist, environmental professional, geologic enthusiast, avid proponent of the Abiogenic Theory of Petroleum Formation, Evangelist of increased carbon dioxide greening the planet and making life more vibrant, and LED Lighting consultant, I am the humble bearer of the title of President…
Free Articles, Jenna Lieungh
Shattering Stereotypes
By Jenna Lieungh On June 21, several conservative speakers and young conservatives like I gathered at the Mere Conservatism event, held at Brookside Baptist Church in Brookfield, to shatter various stereotypes about the Republican Party and the conservative movement. Let me first say this: I am a seventeen-year old, one quarter Hispanic, middle-class female.…
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The Problem with Same-Sex Marriage
In June, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a key portion of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and announced for the first time that same-sex couples who are legally married are entitled to the same rights and federal benefits that other married couples enjoy. In United States v. Windsor, Edith Windsor was a gay…
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Steve’s Say . . . Using Force: At What Point Is It Self-Defense?
The Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case, featured by mainstream media sources as the latest circus act in their increasingly irrelevant sideshow, actually contained a treasure trove of historical events and personal decisions which laid bare the most basic and vital questions surrounding the use of force. The generalized term “use of force” can be divided into…