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Corrupt Climate Science Discredits NASA

By Larry Bell Lots of global warming alarmists are hyperventilating over President Donald Trump’s pick of U.S. Rep. Jim Bridenstine, R-Okla. a “climate change denier,” to head NASA. Hopefully, he will give them good reason for cold sweats by ending the agency’s politically corrupt and embarrassing role in perpetuating history’s arguably most costly fraud. Harsh…

When “Good” Men Do Nothing

“As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one.” – Romans 3:10 KJVBy Andrew Zuelke Friends, I want you to think about all the immoral, wicked things which have come to pass so quickly over the past few years: homosexual “marriage”, a Supreme Court making laws instead of interpreting them against the original…

No, Hurricanes Aren’t More Frequent or Severe

By Larry Bell Right off the bat, let’s understand that no one, much less those of us who live in Houston and other areas along the Texas coast along with my numerous friends in the entire state of Florida, need to be reminded of widespread terror and tragedy which can be wrought by a single…

Reusing produced water becoming more economical in the Permian

By Patrick Miller New research from the University of Texas at Austin found that recycling produced water from hydraulic fracturing in the Permian Basin can reduce the need for large upfront water requirements and potentially reduce seismic earthquakes caused by reinjecting the water into geologic formations. The study—conducted by the university’s Bureau of Economic Geology—was…

Patterson-UTI adds directional drilling to expand unconventionals

By Luke Geiver Texas-based oil and gas drilling contractor Patterson-UTI Energy Inc. has agreed to acquire MS Energy Services, a directional drilling company founded in Conroe, Texas. Through the acquisition, Patterson-UTI will gain a strong group of employees and a suite of in-house technologies developed by MS Energy. According to Andy Hendricks, CEO of Patterson-UTI,…