By Paul Driessen Thanksgiving is a good time to express our sincere gratitude that we no longer “enjoy” the “simpler life of yesteryear.” As my grandmother said, “The only good thing about the good old days is that they’re gone.” For countless millennia, mankind lived on a precipice, in hunter-gatherer, subsistence farmer and primitive urban…
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Protesting Carbon Taxes with the Gilets Jaunes
Reflections on CFACT’s Katowice delegation coverage of Yellow Vests protest in MarseillesBy Craig Rucker The Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) represent a broad cross section of French rural, working and middle classes. They are butchers, bakers and automobile makers. They are the folks who grow the food, drive the trucks, build the buildings and fix what…
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But what will take its place?
Does government really need to regulate everything? Can no program be allowed to expire?By Greg Walcher In high school and college, I competed in debate tournaments across the state and country. I clearly remember many occasions when a debate team’s plan would include abolishing some government program. Inevitably, the opponents would ask, “What will you…
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Rep. Brandtjen Receives WMC’s “Working for Wisconsin” Award
MADISON – In Wisconsin, 83 lawmakers repeatedly stood up for tax cuts, pro-growth reforms and investments in our state’s workforce this past legislative session. Each of these legislators supported initiatives that will spur economic growth and job creation by putting an emphasis on improving Wisconsin’s business climate. WMC, the combined state chamber of commerce…
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Silencing Science the Facebook Way
By Gregory Wrightstone[Note: Reading this report from courageous scientist and public educator Gregory Wrightstone will show you two examples of the opposition we at the Cornwall Alliance face, pretty much every day, often from powerful foes. Please pray for us and consider an extra gift right now to help us overcome these hurdles. —E. Calvin…
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Anti-fracking chaos in Colorado
Insane “eco” proposition would all but shut down oil production – and set bad national precedent By David Wojick, PhD The anti-fracking folks are trying a clever new strategy in Colorado. Instead of banning fracking, they just make it impossible. In fact, they make nearly all oil and gas development and production impossible – which…