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E-Verify: The Fastest Way to Reduce Illegal Immigration

By William KovacsToday’s political rants on immigration reform focus on every aspect of reform (the Wall, fencing, ports, technology, more border agents, more beds, more detention facilities, more accommodations for children, more judges, more money) except the one change that is the most cost-efficient way to address a substantial part of the problem – ensuring…

The Pine Riot

“Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for gain, from his quarter.” Isaiah 56:11 By Riley J. Hood—Milwaukee County Constitution Party In 1722 the New Hampshire General Court passed a law reserving white pine trees greater…

The Constitution Party of Wisconsin

The Only Political Party with Candidates Serious About Outlawing Child Murder Before Birth!By Mark Gabriel “The pre-born child, whose life begins at fertilization, is a human being created in God’s image. The first duty of law is to prevent the shedding of innocent blood. It is, therefore, the duty of all civil governments to secure…

Curse Less and Dam More

By Viv ForbesWater conservation peaked in Australia in 1972 – our last big dam was Burdekin Falls Dam in Queensland built 32 years ago. Elsewhere in Australia, water conservation virtually stopped when Don Dunstan halted the building of Chowilla Dam on the Murray in 1970 and Bob Brown’s Greens halted the Franklin Dam in 1983…

Don’t ban plastic bags!

Learn the facts about plastic versus paper bags – and bag the bans, instead By Hal Shurtlef Like dozen towns and cities in Massachusetts and other states, Boston recently enacted a ban on plastic shopping bags. It went into effect December 14, 2018. It was a relatively easy vote, because “evil” plastic bags have received…