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America. Love It Or Leave It.

By Gary L. Wickert  The anti-America election strategy seemingly employed by the Democratic Party is going to fail—and fail big. Their response to tweets by President Trump on July 14 have laid bare the soul of the American Left, hell-bent on attacking a country they all seemingly believe has never been “great.” Trump’s tweet went…

Who calls me a Racist?

By Riley J. HoodThe first time I was called a racist I was 4 years old. I was attacked by a group of black children, who were older than myself. This group mostly called me a “honky” and “cracker.” A few said, “Kill Whitey.” I showed up to pre-school whereupon the teacher asked me what…

Must the bugs and weeds win?

By Craig RuckerWhat price do we pay when we abandon science to the mob? Science has provided safer, more reliable means to feed and care for people and our planet today than ever before. Most of us who take today’s prosperity for granted are only a few generations from hunger. Ask people who lived though…

Americans Can’t do Math, But Policymakers Can and This Could Vaporize Tobacco Harm Reduction

By Lindsey StroudIt should come as no big surprise that Americans are not the world’s best mathematicians. After all, our federal government has accumulated a mindboggling $22 trillion debt and American students have borrowed more than $1.6 trillion just to attend college. In 2017, only 34 percent of eighth-grade students scored “proficient” in mathematics, according…

Washington D.C. Conference Exposes ‘Climate Delusion’

By Tom Harris And Dr. Jay LehrWashington D.C. Conference Exposes ‘Climate Delusion’ The new president of The Heartland Institute, Frank Lasee, was not exaggerating when he described the 13th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC13) as “the most important climate change and energy event of the Tom Harris Dr. Jay Lehr year.” Speaking about the…

Abortion, the Ultimate Child Abuse

“And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath; but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4By Riley J. Hood—Milwaukee County Constitution Party My father walked out on my mother, my brother Tim, my sister Mary and me on Christmas Day 1968. I have never seen him since. I…