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How to Keep the Students Safe! From Themselves.

“Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction will drive it far from him.” Proverbs 22:15By Riley J. Hood—Milwaukee County Constitution Party According to Reuters Pete Buttigieg lisped, “I come from that generation that grew up with school shootings as the norm, the generation that produced the bulk of…

Don’t Let Media Whitewash Climategate!

Read Chapter excerpt revealing the truth behind scandal 10 years laterUN IPCC exposed as “the best science that politics and activism could manufacture.” Morano: “The Climategate scandal revealed that the UN IPCC was simply a lobbying organization portraying itself as a science panel. If the UN failed to find carbon dioxide was a problem, it…

Capitalism not the cause of environmental destruction

By Dr. Jay Lehr & Tom HarrisSpeaking on November 25 in the European Parliament (EP), left wing politician Mick Wallace voiced a hopelessly misguided theme we will likely hear more of during the big UN climate conference being held in Madrid from Dec 2 – 13: ‘capitalism According to people like Wallace, the main problem…

Melissa Young: Our Wisconsin Treasure

Her spellbinding tale of life and Donald Trump’s generosity tell the real truth of the President’s characterBy Steve Welcenbach On November 16th the Wisconsin Conservative Political Education Conference (CPEC) took place at the Hampton Inn, West Allis Wisconsin. The well-organized event (thanks to Bob and Jean Dohnal, MC Robin Moore, Chris Lawrence and several other…

Eco-imperialists impose a biomess on Africa

Instead of cutting forests and burning dung and charcoal, shouldn’t Africa have cheap electricity?By Duggan Flanakin China, India, Vietnam and other nations are using more and more oil, natural gas and coal every year to electrify and modernize their nations, create jobs, and improve their people’s health, living standards and life spans. Why in this…