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1619 Project Assault on American History Targets K-12 Education

By Larry BellIdeological attacks on America’s history are being incorporated into a growing number of public K-12 school programs throughout our country portray America as a hopelessly racist culture. The central theme relies upon a hotly contested school of thought known as the “New History of Capitalism” (NHC) which asserts that modern American capitalism is…

MPS and Jim Crow

On June 30th, 2020 Black Racists and White-guilt Socialists have once again disavowed responsibility for their failures. Instead they blamed white people in other communities, many of whom had been driven out of their Milwaukee neighborhood by ethnic cleansing and street terrorism. According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s Annysa Johnson, “MPS board to begin discussions…

The Other Epidemic Threatening Wisconsin

Within the span of weeks, the spread of the novel coronavirus disease reached epidemic proportions, disrupting every aspect of our lives. Previously unheard-of concepts like social distancing and curve flattening suddenly consumed our collective attention. While we continue to rightly take sweeping action and dedicate unprecedented resources to addressing the threats from COVID-19, the dangers…

New Strains of Corona-Socialism

“You will not be afraid of the terror by night, Or of the arrow that flies by day; Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, Or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.” Psalm 91:5-6By Riley J Hood People are sick of the talk of “opening up,” and want the reality. Only the Bernie…

Re-build with Muscle not Flab

By Viv Forbes In order to kill Coronawasps in the ceiling, politicians have knocked our economic house down. Now they dream of rebuilding the house by driving at full speed into the borrow-andspend swamp. National Cabinet will soon find that Australiaafter-Corona can’t afford a bloated public service, an overmanned and overpaid academia, throngs of able-bodied…