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Patriot News

by Oriannah, Sheboygan Liberty Coalition If there were ever a time to call, fax and e-mail your legislators, the time is NOW! We are at a precipice that, as Obama would say, “will fundamentally change America.” We MUST stop Obamacare, unless you want government run healthcare, rationing of healthcare, mandates, penalties, more debt foisted on…

Candidates Corner

Rob Taylor for US Senate -It’s our time – It’s our destiny I am Rob Taylor, and I am the Constitution Party candidate for the US Senate seat in 2010 representing the great state of Wisconsin. I am a software engineer by trade and a two-term elected alderman of the Cumberland City Council. I am…

Renewable Foolishness

by Howard Hayden You may well be wondering whether the title of this essay refers to foolishness about renewable energy or foolishness that is renewable. The answer is Yes. Here we encounter three major problems with biofuels, and some delusional economics about German subsidies. We get about 3.5% of our energy from biomass, primarily from…

Modern Day Carpetbaggers

by Larry Gamble An interesting thing happened the other day. I decided to venture out and see just what goes on at a “public hearing” of the legislature. This one was the Climate Change bill that got renamed Green Jobs Bill that the Wisconsin legislature is debating. What an eye opener that turned out to…

Transparency Incarnate

by Brad Peck On his very first full day in office, President Obama sent a memorandum to his executive agencies extolling the virtues of transparency and open government and directing them to facilitate public access to information. To further that directive, Obama issued a second memorandum encouraging agencies to “adopt a presumption in favor of…

Congressional Reform Act of 2010

THIS IS HOW YOU FIX CONGRESS!!!!! A friend sent this along to me. I can’t think of a reason to disagree. I am sending this to virtually everybody on my e-mail list and that includes conservatives, liberals, and everybody in between. even though we disagree on a number of issues, I count all of you…