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Innovating for a water-starved planet

Inspiration, innovation, perspiration and technology can overcome climate challengesMore than 3,400 years ago, God told Joshua to lead the Hebrew people across the Jordan River into the Promised Land that is now Israel. If they worked hard and followed his commandments, it would become “a land flowing with milk and honey.”At least the central, northern…

Probes Decimating Joe Biden
‘Nice Guy’ Myth

Even many of us familiar with Joe Biden’s ethically problematic personal and political past are astounded by bank and communication records supported by ongoing key source testimony being released by House Oversight, Judiciary, and Ways and Means impeachment inquiry investigators evidencing major national security compromises in combination with rampant family foreign influence profiteering.It’s not as…

Is It Happening Now, A Government Coordinated Coup d’état?

By Williams KovacsLast year, I speculated that the actions of the Democrats’ January 6th committee hearings (the “Monkey Trial”), the alleged Russian disinformation campaign against President Trump by the FBI and CIA, years of refusal by the DOJ and FBI to provide Congress with specifically demanded information on Biden’s money laundering activities and the Biden…

The FDA Has Become a Vaccine Marketing Unit

Congress no Will to Call for Market Removal, Mass Vaccination Campaign Rolls OnBy Dr. Peter McCulloughMost of my patients have not had a COVID-19 vaccine or booster since 2021. When I go in CVS or Walgreens, I rarely see a sullen vaccine recipient in the back waiting for a reaction to one of the hopeless…