In my studies through the years, the people in history I have learned to love and respect had core values, strong character, and clear and decisive ethics – all built on a foundation developed through their faith. This strong foundation gave men like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who we celebrate today, the courage to…
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WILL Commends GovernorWalker’s Move to Restore Constitutional Balance Between Wisconsin, Washington
Walker’s letter and Assembly committee are good first steps December 21, 2016 – Milwaukee, WI – The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty lauds Governor Walker’s letter to President-elect Donald Trump, urging him to review federal policies that diminish the role states play in our republic and restore the proper balance between the states and…
Featured Posts, Richard Epstein
Obsolete Climate Science on CO2
The incoming Trump administration has promised dramatic transformations on many vital domestic issues. The best gauge of this development is the fierce level of opposition his policies have generated from Democratic stalwarts. One representative screed is a New York Times Op-Ed by Professors Michael Greenstone and Cass Sunstein, who lecture the incoming president on climate…
Featured Posts, John Anthony
How Dr. Ben Carson can heal the wounds of Obama’s racism
Barack Obama‘s obsession with what he calls America’s “legacy of racism,” has been an EpiPen for the resuscitation of racial violence and discrimination burning across our country. HUD often provides the platform for the President to act on his prejudices. As Secretary of HUD, Dr. Carson’s background positions him to heal the aggravated wounds, encourage…
E. Calvin Beisner, Ph.D., Featured Posts
The Phony War Against CO2
The Wall Street Journal recently published an article by physicist Rodney W. Nichols and geologist and Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt that makes perfect sense. Here’s its start: National polls show that climate change is low on the list of voters’ priorities. For good reason: In the U.S., and for much of the world, the…
Featured Posts, John Anthony
A Trump Strategy to Neuter HUD’s Attacks on Local Rule
When President Reagan took office in 1980, he promised to reduce the number of federal agencies and rules. Eight years later, his Presidential Task Force on Regulatory Relief failed to eliminate a single agency or even one of the thousands of federal regulations. Today, President-elect Trump has promised to stop HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing…