“The great lesson of the group process, in which all others are involved, is that particularism, however magnified, is no longer possible. There is no magic by which selfishness becomes patriotism the moment we can invoke the nation. The change must be this: as we see now that a nation cannot be healthy and virile…
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Featured Posts, Larry Bell
Budget Legislation Likely to Launch NASA Above Climate Politics
The U.S. Senate recently passed a NASA Transition Act of 2017 to cut the agency’s funding for global warming “research” and get back to focusing upon space exploration priorities NASA was originally created to pursue. The bill will very likely be passed the in the House and signed into law by the president. Senior Trump…
Featured Posts, Walter E. Williams
How White Liberals Enable Crime in Black Communities
Ordinary black people cannot afford to go along with the liberal agenda that calls for undermining police authority. That agenda makes for more black crime victims. Let’s look at what works and what doesn’t work. In 1990, New York City adopted the practice in which its police officers might stop and question a pedestrian. If…
Featured Posts, Larry Bell
Scott Pruitt EPA Swamp- Draining Fear Brings Crocodile Tears
Last Friday’s 56-42 Senate vote confirmation of Scott Pruitt as top EPA administrator brings a very unwelcome political climate change for many of the agency’s 15,000 federal career employees and their executive branch-appointed bosses who fought his approval tooth and claw. Referring to their aggressive and defiant letter-writing and telephone campaign protesting Pruitt’s appointment, Center…
Featured Posts, Larry Bell
Whistleblower Links NOAA Study to Climate Treaty Agendas
Former National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientist Dr. John Bates has gone on record that the organization knowingly released “unverified” global temperature data in violation of rules on scientific integrity which Bates had received a 2014 U.S. Department of Commerce Gold Medal for devising. Dr. Bates told the U.K.’s Daily Mail that a politically…
Featured Posts, Mary Kay Barton
Sierra Club pushing abortion as population control to ‘save the environment’
FOX News host Tucker Carlson interviewed the Sierra Club’s Executive Director, Michael Brune, on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Feb 2, 2017. Carlson, a former Sierra Club member himself, dove right into asking Brune the tough questions. Puzzled by some of the Sierra Club’s recent position statements on such varied topics as President Trump’s border wall, the…