It’s like something out of George Orwell’s 1984. Canada’s Competition Bureau, an arm’s length agency funded by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government to the tune of almost $50 million annually, investigated three organizations accused of denying mainstream climate science for over a year, following a complaint from an environmental group. The bureau discontinued its 14-month…
Featured Posts
Featured Posts, Riley J. Hood
The Greenfield Carjacker
On Friday afternoon, July 21st, an Asian woman was brutally beaten with brass knuckles in the parking lot of Pacific Produce near 27th and Grange. Greenfield Police identified the suspect as Corleon Thomas: a male, black, 5’3″ tall and 105 pounds. His black female accomplice was also arrested. The victim was left with a fractured…
Chris White, Featured Posts
EXCLUSIVE: Anti-Trump AG Raked In Campaign Donations From An Oil Tycoon With Ties To Putin
One of the attorneys general who has sought probes against the Trump administration has accepted large individual campaign donations from an energy tycoon with connections to Russian President Vladimir Putin. New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has accepted more than $60,000 in small donations from Leonard Blavatnik, a Ukrainian-born energy billionaire with ties to Russian…
Featured Posts, Paul Driessen
Callous CALAS Activists Against the Poor
Not long ago, supposed “environmental justice” concerns at least involved risks to mine workers and their families. The risks may have been inflated, or ignored for decades, but they were a major focus. In one case, a state-run mine and smelter had fouled the air, land and water with toxic contaminants in a Peruvian town…
E. Calvin Beisner, Ph.D., Featured Posts
How to Prevent Climate Change? Prevent Births!
For 218 years—since Thomas Robert Malthus published the first edition of his Essay on the Principle of Population—people have been coming up with new rationales for limiting or even reducing human population. For Malthus, the fundamental reason is that people ate too much, so increasing their numbers would lead to starvation as farmers’ ability to…
Featured Posts, Larry Bell
Sanctions Won’t Halt NKorea Nukes Progress
While the recent, unanimous U.N. Security Council adoption of new sanctions against North Korea is clearly an encouraging move in a positive direction, there is little reason to regard it is other than a very small step along a very steep and treacherous path forward. In reality, North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un can’t likely…