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Vindication: Bundys Walk Free!

Judge Gloria Navarro severely rebuked the federal government for “especially egregious” abuses in its persecution/prosecution of the Nevada ranching family.Reprinted with permission of The New American (TheNewAmerican.com). “The government’s conduct in this case was indeed outrageous…. There has been flagrant misconduct, substantial prejudice and no lesser remedy is sufficient.” So declared U.S. District Judge Gloria…

What’s Wrong with a BorderWall?

The border wall is one of many triggers for the Left, and I don’t understand why. It would cost our country $21.6 billion dollars and take around 3.5 years to build. Ronald Reagan famously said that, “A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.” Thirty-five years later, amidst a heated debate over…

Global warming: Fake news from the start

President Donald Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change because it is a bad deal for America. He could have made the decision simply because the science is false. However, most of the American and global public have been brainwashed into believing the science is correct (and…

Stop China From Playing Both Sides on NKorea

I posted an article last Monday arguing that we cannot forever place our nation’s future in the hands of a paranoid nut job with his finger on the launch buttons of missiles capable of detonating nuclear warheads over the continental United States. The following day, Kim Jong Un demonstrated a capability to make good on…