MADISON, Wis. – Big labor was handed another big loss Wednesday when the Wisconsin Supreme Court reversed a lower court decision in a union certification case. The ruling is another in a long line of court wins for Gov. Scott Walker’s 2011 public sector collective-bargaining reform law known as Act 10, which has faced a…
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Featured Posts, Jim Ott, Jim Ott
Rep. Jim Ott: I Choose Leah
During my time in the State Legislature I’ve had the opportunity to work with and get to know many great people. One person that stands out for her courage, integrity, work ethic and intelligence is State Senator Leah Vukmir. In my first term Leah quickly became a colleague I could turn to for advice or…
Featured Posts, Tom Ball, Tom Harris
Overheated claims on temperature records
Time for sober second thought on climate alarms Now that the excitement over the news that 2017 was one of the hottest years on record have died down, it is time for a sober second thought. Did the January 18 announcements by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that 2017 was the third-hottest year,…
Featured Posts, William Kovacs
Part II – Federal Slush Funds The Judgment Fund – The Mother of all Slush Funds
Part I discussed how Congress set up an elaborate scheme to maintain secrecy on the settlement of sexual harassment cases while securing exemption from the country’s labor and discrimination laws by hand-selecting people to enforce those laws against Congress. Now we turn to another obscure law the Judgment Fund which is either a boring account…
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WILL Submits Public Comment to EPA
Expansion of “No-Growth” Zones could cripple Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI – Today WILL has submitted a public comment to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), pointing out that EPA’s proposed expansion of nonattainment areas to virtually all of Southeastern Wisconsin would have negative consequences on Wisconsin’s economy. It is unfair to businesses, workers, and residents in…
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The fake ‘Trump is racist’ issue
Trump’s words are far less despicable than what Green-Democrat policies do to people By now, nearly the entire world has heard reports that President Trump referred to the origins of some immigrants as “sh hole countries.” Democrats and their media allies spent an entire week castigating the president, calling him racist for using the salty…