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Climate chaos claims continue causing consternation

From the Oakland v. oil company lawsuit to ridiculous “research,” the onslaught never ends Anyone who thought “manmade climate cataclysm” rhetoric couldn’t possibly exceed Obama era levels should read the complaint filed in the “public nuisance” lawsuit that’s being argued before Federal District Court Judge William Alsup in a California courtroom: Oakland v BP and…

The EPA Cleans Up Its Science

Now Congress should act to lock in place data transparency The Environmental Protection Agency will no longer rely on “secret” scientific data to justify regulations, Administrator Scott Pruitt announced last week. EPA regulators and agency-funded researchers have become accustomed to producing unaccountable, dodgy science to advance a political agenda. The saga began in the early…

We apologize for any inconvenience

EPA should ignore anti-coal activists at the listening sessionsWe failed to update our article for the March print edition of Reality News from Dr. Howard Hayden and Tom Harris.  We apologize for any inconvenience to our readers and authors. Here is the correct article.                          Sincerely, Steven Welcenbach                                                                                                                                                                                             …

WILL Memo: Bill Could End Tailgating As We Know It

Bill could have effect of clamping down on tailgatingMilwaukee, WI – Today attorneys at the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) have issued a legal memo explaining how AB 433 – with the approved Substitute Amendment 1 – would make it significantly harder for people to enjoy Wisconsin’s long-standing tradition of tailgating, even at…