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Evidence Mounting That Act 10 is Improving K-12 Education

Milwaukee, WI – Act 10, the landmark collective bargaining reforms passed in 2011, remains one of the most important and consequential pieces of state legislation in America. While the protests and the recall elections may have faded, the impact of the law, particularly on education in the Badger State, remains an intense interest. Since 2011,…

What next for U.S. climate and energy policies?

2018 elections bring mixed messages and require climate and renewable energy reality checkThe “Blue Wave” never really reached shore, the U.S. Senate is still in Republican hands, the House of Representatives flipped to Democratic control, Trump era deregulation and fossil fuel production efforts continue, several governorships and state houses went from red to blue –…

WILL Stands Ready to Fight

At WILL, we don’t do electoral politics. We don’t advocate for or against candidates. We talk policy and not politicians. But we understand that elections affect the environment in which that conversation takes place. And we know that things changed on Tuesday. In Wisconsin, we now face an executive that will be hostile to the…

It’s Time Congress Restricts Judges from Lawmaking – The Injunctive Authority Clarification Act of 2018

  In the March 15, 2018 issue of Reality News, I criticized several federal district courts for issuing nationwide injunctions on immigration issues. The essence of the criticism is that by issuing such rulings these judges make themselves a super-legislature by intruding on the powers of Congress, the Executive and other district court judges by…