Are people who still believe marriage ought to be the union of one man and one woman now disqualified from judicial office? That seems to be the burning issue in Wisconsin’s latest Supreme Court election to take place April 2, between two Appeals Court judges, conservative Brian Hagedorn and left-leaning Lisa Neubauer. Controversies earlier in…
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Featured Posts, Paul Driessen
Stop the anti-climate science totalitarians
They want to upend and transform America, but demand No Debate on underlying “science”Democrats, climate campaigners and renewable energy interests are in full outrage mode over news that President Trump intends to launch a Presidential Committee on Climate Science. He should do it now. The PCCS would, at long last, review and question the “dangerous…
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Sen. Jacque Denounces Governor’s Big Money Giveaway to Abortion Provider
Calls for Legislature to Intervene to Defend Patient Protections from Planned Parenthood (Madison, WI) State Senator André Jacque (R- De Pere) issued the following response and call to action today regarding Governor Tony Evers’ announced intent to funnel millions of dollars to prominent campaign benefactor Planned Parenthood, the state and nation’s largest abortion provider that…
Featured Posts, Jay Lehr, Tom Harris
Cold outbreaks not caused by global warming
Global cooling, and global socialism, the real fears What do heat waves, floods, droughts, rising sea level, forest fires, hurricanes, African wars, mass extinctions, disease outbreaks, and migration from South America and the Middle East have in common? They are all, according to climate activists, caused by man-made global warming. And this, in turn, is…
Brian Kemper, Featured Posts
How do you answer your teenage daughter when she tells you she’s pregnant?
I have spent close to 30 years standing outside abortion mills talking to men and women about alternatives to abortion, pleading with them to know that their child is a gift from God and no matter what got them in this situation their child is a blessing. When I first started to have kids I…
Featured Posts, Paul Driessen
Government (-driven) shutdowns have human consequences
Too many government regulators burden and shut down private sector businesses and jobs Many observers praised President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union speech. Some said it was his best ever and even as one of the best SOTU speeches in history. It celebrated the nation’s progress, extolled its opportunities and sought bipartisan unity. A…