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Will CO2 Cause a Food Shortage?

A lead May 14 article posted by Sonya Collins in WebMD, “Will Climate Change Cause Food Sources to Dwindle?” suffers from very poor planet, plant and people health diagnostics. Key claims of the medically-muddled meme are that human carbon dioxide emissions are causing more frequent severe weather conditions to occur (which isn’t happening); that warmer…

Ending Obama EPA climate deception

Let’s finally review Endangerment Finding used to justify trillions in climate and energy costs In December 2009, the Obama Environmental Protection Agency issued its Endangerment Finding (EF) – decreeing that carbon dioxide (CO2) and other “greenhouse gases” (GHGs) endanger the health and welfare of Americans. In the process, EPA ignored the incredible economic, health and…

Memorial Day Prayer

This is the day we remember those who have fallen in battle, thereby making the supreme sacrifice in service to our great nation. Freedom is not free and we discount that fact to our mortal peril. Pray that we commit ourselves to that level of dedication to our nation once again in peril. Dear God:…

Trump’s Perfect Earth Day Statement

President Donald Trump was right to ignore climate change in his April 22, 2019 Earth Day message. Instead, he focused on issues that actually matter and over which we have considerable control: protecting the nation’s water infrastructure, conservation of land, water, and wildlife, improving forest health and, of course, economic prosperity, the linchpin on which…