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Who Has More Legal Power – Corporations or Humans?

Perhaps a discussion of “personhood” that compares the political rights of humans and corporations belongs more to a John Handey, “Deep Thoughts” segment on Saturday Night Live than as an article in “medium.com.” But it is a serious question with significant legal implications for whom government protects and how we govern society. John Handey might…

End Subsidies to ALL Energy Sources

The quagmire of outdated energy subsidies in the U.S. needs to end. They were built up over a century of programs once intended to help develop innovative ideas for energy development. But now practically all of them are simply aiding and abetting the flow of money to companies and individuals no longer deserving to feed…

They Don’t Want You To Know: Reddit Mods Remove Viral GP Article About Woman Murdered for Saying ‘All Lives Matter’

The moderators on Reddit’s “Unpopular Opinions” board have removed the viral Gateway Pundit article about the murder of Jessica Doty Whitaker, who her fiance says was shot in the head for saying “All Lives Matter.” After the article gained over 15,000 upvotes, putting it in the running for the front page of Reddit, a moderator…

What Is Real?

Let’s start with the short answer: The Leftists believe the dream of establishing their One World Totalitarian regime, a.k.a the New World Order has arrived. This New World Order does nothing more than expand the Communist Chinese regime, the proven most murderous regime ever to exist, across the entire planet. They’ve given up on the…