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The American Public Is Being Played

The American public is being played. Played, not by virtuosi, but by those who want to bring, not just America down, but the whole of Western Culture. Now that there has been enough time for people to dig deeper into the Wuhan flu, the shutdown of the economy to ‘protect lives’, the protests/riots, and the…

Democrats cannot abide by Trump successes and try to take credit for many of his successes

Trumpism is not acceptable to Democrats who are clueless on how he does itPerhaps 70 percent of Trumpism remains a hodgepodge of Reaganism: strong defense, realist foreign policy, deregulation, smaller government, big deficits, tax cuts, energy growth, and stars-and-stripes traditionalism. But it is the other unorthodox 30 percent that excited his base, terrified conservative apostates,…

Learn from the Left: It Knows How to Make Law Without Congress (Part I)

For years I have been a critic of those who advocate government control of the nation’s free enterprise through excessive regulation. These advocates are called many names, i.e. liberals, Democrat Socialists, Progressives, or just the “the Left”. Many on the Left, especially environmental groups, exist on corporate contributions while extolling their sainthood and the sins…

Kamala Harris bad climate cop

As Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris misused her authority to attack the First Amendment rights of climate skeptics and other “deplorables.” In the waning days of the Obama Administration, radicals devised plans to launch a climate inquisition against nonprofit organizations such as CFACT, that use facts to correct the the exaggerations and distortions routinely…