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Walter Williams

By Tom Woods I don’t relish sharing bad news, but I absolutely do want to pay tribute to a great man. The great economist and syndicated columnist Walter Williams has died. In addition to his column and public speaking, Professor Williams wrote numerous books with provocative titles, including The State Against Blacks, Race and Economics:…

Republican Legislatures Choose Alternate Electors in NV, WI, GA, PA, AZ to Preserve Election Challenge Options

State legislatures in Nevada, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania have selected republican electors to preserve cases and lawsuits of election fraud in each state.  If the outstanding court cases are successfully argued the republican electors would be able to cast votes for President Donald Trump. Trump Campaign Senior Advisor Stephen Miller explains what is happening…

Kamala’s Ties To Radical Marxism Exposed

Here is a timely editorial that exposes the hidden background of Kamala Harris from the Combat Veterans for Congress Political Action Committee that is posted here with permission of the author. CVFC PAC supports the election of US military combat veterans to the US Senate and House of Representatives. The editorial begins: [Trevor Loudon] is…

1619 – The Left’s final assault on America

Their 1619 Project would eviscerate, denigrate and replace American history with racist liesLeftists have launched what they hope can be their final assault on America. Their goal is to obliterate everything good that America ever did or aspired to achieve, erase its citizens’ memories, and sow the seeds for future generations to revile and reject…

A Disputed Election Will Test the Electoral College?

If Election 2020 is disputed, it will test the workability of the constitutional and federal and state statutory procedures to elect a president against the U.S. Supreme Court wanting to accumulate greater power by functioning as a super-legislature. Supreme Court involvement will ensure 20212024 will be a continuous fight over legitimacy, no matter who wins.…