By now, many Americans are aware of the mass slaughter of wildlife caused by industrial wind turbines. They are nothing less than bird and bat-killing machines that will drive some species to extinction. Yet, like his love of solar power and electric vehicles, President Joe Biden’s support of wind power is promoting some of the…
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Featured Posts, William Kovacs
Can the U.S Unite? If not, How Does It Divide? Part I of V
Every aspect of U.S. society seems like it is getting more and more polarized. Politicians tear at each other. The news media and social media are divided between “fake news” and “lies.” Our institutions, including religious institutions, are no longer trusted. A part of several states wants to join a different state. Some states just…
Dan O'Donnell, Featured Posts
Joan of Eau Claire: Young girl stared down COVID tyranny…and won
Guest Perspective Throughout history, the fires of revolution have been lit by the tiniest of sparks. The flicker of rebellion—often from the unlikeliest of sourcesengulfs a people and inspires them to burn down the tyranny that has subjugated them. Long after the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down the most draconian of COVID restrictions, a handful…
Featured Posts
The Trial of MSM and Big Tech: Guilty Verdict for Atrocities Against Humanity
By Alti Nunio A good friend of mine has lived through each day over the past year with a hope that good will overcome evil, whether it be in this lifetime or the next. It is his fervent faith and firm belief that the truth will set you free. History has repeated itself many times,…
Featured Posts, William Kovacs
Using the Unfunded Mandates Act to Control Illegal Immigration
For the last several weeks members of Congress have publicly complained the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) has been “dumping,” without notice or consultation, illegal aliens in small towns throughout the U.S., e.g., Gila Bend, AZ, Brownsville, TX, Chattanooga, TN. The legislators claim the towns do not have the resources to care for the illegals.…
Featured Posts, Willie Soon
Dear Friends and Fellow Warriors,
By Willie Soon Today, I like your attention on this yet important step to battle the censorship attempt especially on all matters related to science. Ronan, Michael and I would ver much like this incident and event and our reply below to go viral with your help in reposting our open letter or even your…