A thunderous standing ovation erupted from the crowd of 400 as Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) ascended to the stage to give his Saturday lunchtime keynote address to the 15th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC). The Heartland Institute planned the conference, held in Orlando, Florida, with sponsoring entities including CFACT, SEPP, The Cornwall Alliance and…
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CDC Data Now Shows That COVID Vaxx ‘Lowers Lifespan By Up To 24 Years’
By En-Volve.com Multiple Covid vaccinations can shorten a person’s lifetime by up to 24 years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC’s data on all-cause death show that rates of immune system destruction from covid vaccines are steadily rising with each passing year. Naturalnews.com reports: “So taking 2021 as the…
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Fragile Egos, and the Surprising Challenge to a SUCCESSFUL Republican County Chairman
By Paris Procopis, January 22, 2023 Anybody who has read my articles over the years knows that I am no stranger to going against the Republican Party leadership status quo when necessary. I have been going after outgoing Milwaukee County Chairman David Karst for years, and more recently, I have gone after Dane County Chairman,…
Daniel Greenfield, Featured Posts
How Green Investors Pay the Media to Promote ‘Climate Change’
AP takes millions from groups leveraged in green investments to promote the need for green investments.The Associated Press revealed last year that it had scored $8 million to promote claims of global warming. The AP impartially described this massive conflict of interest as an illustration of “how philanthropy has swiftly become an important new funding…
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Vital energy lessons for Virginia and America
Legislators shouldn’t Californicate Virginia or America on EVs and Green EnergyWhen they open their 30-day session January 11, Virginia’s Senate and House of Delegates must correct some serious energy mistakes they made two years ago, when Democrats controlled nearly the entire state government and passed the “Virginia Clean Economy Act.” One of its party-line provisions…
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Modern Science: Another Reason to Celebrate Christianity
Christians celebrating their faith during this season will be thrilled to hear that, were it not for Christianity, science and the technological advances derived from scientific discoveries may not even exist. Indeed, it was because of Christian thought that the door was opened to properly decipher nature’s mysteries and use them for the betterment of…