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Senator Ron Johnson: Climate Change Hoax and COVID-19 Pandemic 2 sides of same totalitarian coin

A thunderous standing ovation erupted from the crowd of 400 as Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) ascended to the stage to give his Saturday lunchtime keynote address to the 15th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC). The Heartland Institute planned the conference, held in Orlando, Florida, with sponsoring entities including CFACT, SEPP, The Cornwall Alliance and…

Vital energy lessons for Virginia and America

Legislators shouldn’t Californicate Virginia or America on EVs and Green EnergyWhen they open their 30-day session January 11, Virginia’s Senate and House of Delegates must correct some serious energy mistakes they made two years ago, when Democrats controlled nearly the entire state government and passed the “Virginia Clean Economy Act.” One of its party-line provisions…