n response to mounting frustration from farmers across the country, the administration last week proposed spending up to $12 billion of taxpayer money to compensate farmers and ranchers for the deep economic losses they are suffering as a result of the ongoing trade war. Notably, America’s agricultural community responded to the proposal by making…
Neil Bradley
Featured Blog, Neil Bradley
What We’re Watching: State of the Union 2018
Tomorrow, President Trump will deliver his first State of the Union Address, highlighting his administration’s first year of progress and outlining his top priorities for the year ahead. Along with Americans across the country, the U.S. Chamber will be listening intently to the speech to see what the administration aims to achieve this year. We…
Neil Bradley
It’s Time to Unshackle the Export-Import Bank
For two years, the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im) has been put in a tough position, and American exporters have paid the price. Even though a supermajority in Congress expressed its will by reauthorizing Ex-Im in December 2015, the bank hasn’t had a quorum on its board to approve financing deals of more than $10 million. Ex-Im…