
Unions Destroying America

By Gary Wickert The New York Times Co. overnight gave the unions at the Boston Globe a bit more breathing room to negotiate $20 million in concessions, extending the deadline until midnight tomorrow. The extension, which was granted after this morning’s midnight deadline came and went without a resolution, will enable both sides to work…

Tilting at windmills

In its quixotic quest for renewable energy, the government is picking more losers than winners. By Benjamin B. Phillips The Senate continues to consider a range of energy policy proposals, and may take one or more up during the “lame duck” session after the November elections. It is not yet clear which ones will emerge.…

Voice of Jerusalem

Israel: An Apartheid State? Is there any truth at all in this oft-repeated calumny? South African Apartheid. “Apartheid,” the Dutch-Africaans term for separation, was the social order of the former South Africa. It meant exactly that. The Black majority of the nation and the so-called Colored were kept strictly apart in all aspects of life.…

Voice of Jerusalem

The Unrelenting and Virulent Hatred by the Arabs: Will peace ever be possible under those conditions? No “sacrifice” will overcome the hatred: There are those who still believe that the never-ending conflict between the Arabs and the Jews could be settled if the Israelis were willing to bring greater “sacrifices for peace.” Such “sacrifices” would…

One Nation Under God

The Truth The Reality News 9/11 Tragedy The American loss of so many people when the Twin Towers, Pentagon, and the Plane were destroyed by the enemy brought all emotions alive; anger, despair, hate, extreme hurt and desolation. People filled the churches in New York City as well as others across America big time. How…