The Week That Was March 19, 2011 Quote of the Week “Modern life requires learning from disasters, not fleeing all risk.” – Editorial, Wall Street Journal, March 14, 2011 Number of the Week: Three to five percent as compared with ninety percent plus This Week By Ken Haapala, Executive Vice President Science and Environmental Policy…
Paul Driessen
Welcome to the Third World
Develop American energy or say good-bye to jobs, revenue and modern living standards By Paul Driessen As Britain suffered through its coldest December in a century, families were forced to choose between keeping homes warm and feeding their children nourishing meals – thanks to climate policies that have forced extensive reliance on wind power and…
Strange But True Provisions of Collective Bargaining
Governor Walker’s office released additional examples of how collective bargaining impacts government and how reforming collective bargaining can improve government. The following are some of the items contained in collective bargaining provisions: 1. Employer must provide bulletin boards to post information about union social and recreational activities. The size and location of the board is…
Heartland Institute
The Heartland Institute
Eight Reasons to Cut Federal Aid to the States By Chris Edwards Cato Institute Federal aid-to-state programs undermine constitutional federalism, and they don’t make any practical sense. The theory behind aid is that the federal government can efficiently solve local problems, but decades of experience have shown it cannot. Following are eight reasons to terminate…
Free Articles
Democrats Attack Republican Candidate’s Children
By Art Robinson Published by WorldNetDaily The Democrat Political Machine is Attacking Republican Congressional Candidate Art Robinson’s Children and a Distinguished Nuclear Engineer at Oregon State University. Please help save these students and their courageous Professor. In an effort to do my part in rescuing our country from the out-of-control Obama administration, last year I…
The True Building Blocks of Liberalism
by James A. Henderson I’ve come to the conclusion that the Democrat Party is really a secular religion. A cult religion. Since so many of its disciples seem to have nothing to do with organized religion, so as we know it, it’s morphed into a faux faith system to supersede the original one. So unions…