Twenty years after his death, Nobel Laureate F.A. Hayek’s ideas still reshaping the world Macdonald-Laurier Institute Anyone looking for evidence of Victor Hugo’s proposition that ideas are the most powerful force in the world need look no further than the impact of the ideas of one of the 20th century’s most celebrated economic and social…
Free Articles
Barrett’s Inaction Causes Another Massive Sewage Dump
Last week’s significant but hardly unusual rainfall started the summer off in its usual way in Milwaukee with a massive untreated sewage dump, usual since the fatal decision from former Democrat mayor Henry Maier to combine the sanitary and storm sewer systems back in the 1980’s. Unfortunately, current Democrat mayor Tom Barrett, after he made…
Efraim Karsh
The Middle East’s Real Apartheid
by Efraim Karsh In light of Israel Apartheid Week, which hit cities and campuses throughout the world recently, supporters of the Jewish state find it difficult to agree on the best response to this hate fest. Some suggest emphasizing Israel’s peacemaking efforts, others propose rebranding the country by highlighting its numerous achievements and success…
One Nation under God
Abortion Stops a Beating Heart, and Violates the U.S. Constitution
By: Waldo Werning, Wauwatosa WI Email: An aborted baby was on a thirty-six week internal journey from embryo to fetus, and then designed for an expected external 80 to 100 years of personhood and livelihood on planet earth. “Baby” doctors do not have a pregnant woman with an appendage or vestigial organ to be…
Patriot News
Be on the Front Lines Keeping Our Elections Fair and Honest
Volunteer to be an election observer/poll watcher. As Wisconsin moves into an almost continuous period of elections, many election observers will be needed. All conservatives, tea party activists, political party members, students and others interested in preserving and protecting fair and honest elections are needed now to volunteer for observer training programs. What does an…
U.S. Chamber Testimony | H.R. 4377, Permit Streamlining
Yesterday, I testified before the House of Representatives’ Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Commercial, and Administrative Law in support of H.R. 4377, the “Responsibly And Professionally Invigorating Development (RAPID) Act.” The bill would help developers obtain environmental permits and approvals in a timely and efficient manner. Permitting delays have been significant. From 1998 to 2006, the…