
Democrat Party Flaunts Election Fraud at Convention

In a dramatic showing of how committed the Democrat Party is to election fraud, the world witnessed Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa ask for a voice vote three times in an attempt to reinsert the word “God” and acknowledge Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel back into the Party’s official platform. Each time the voice…

First Solar’s Crony Socialism is a Big Failure

By Paul Chesser Renewable-loving Los Angeles is showing that even the power of billions of dollars in taxpayer “stimulus” cannot overcome the dominant hand of government regulation, and ironically it’s costing President Obama more green jobs. One of the darlings of the Department of Energy’s Loan Guarantee Program, First Solar, has seen its stock price…

Is Welfare Spending Futile?

That’s the question that is raised by this chart, plotting federal welfare spending against the poverty rate. When President Johnson announced the War on Poverty, he said his intention was to abolish poverty in America. That hasn’t happened, of course. And I doubt that any liberal today would proclaim such a goal. Today, welfare spending…

Obama’s Green “Investments” Drown in Red Ink

Sacrificing taxpayer dollars on the altar of green ideology is destroying our economy By Deroy Murdock “We’ll invest $15 billion a year over the next decade in renewable energy, creating five million new green jobs that pay well, can’t be outsourced, and help end our dependence on foreign oil,” candidate Barack Obama pledged in a…