
Laura Hollis: November 8, 2012

I am already reading so many pundits and other talking heads analyzing the disaster that was this year’s elections. I am adding my own ten cents. Here goes: 1. We are outnumbered We accurately foresaw the enthusiasm, the passion, the commitment, the determination, and the turnout. Married women, men, independents, Catholics, evangelicals – they all…

Scott Walker’s Revolution: The Sequel

 By Gary Wickert It has been two years since Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker came into office in dramatic fashion. With a slim majority in both houses of the state legislature, Walker led a fiscal revolution and a one-man crusade to return fiscal sanity to public employment and open the doors of Wisconsin to business creation.…

Thank you!!

  By Dave Reesman This is to Mr. White. THANK YOU for your courage to do your best to properly inform all your employees about the potential consequences to Rite Hite and our country, regarding this election. Thank you for your courage to tell the truth, as your experience has taught you, to your employees…

Voice of Jerusalem

Left Wing Lies about Christians in the Holy Land  by Tabitha Korol The recent anti-US riots have shown the world what Islam wants to do. The Christians in Arab lands can attest to that. 60 Minutes just didn’t find them. Just to be sure I wasn’t asking more of CBS’s 60 Minutes than is reasonable,…

Muslims and Michigan State

 GO, MICHIGAN STATE! Very interesting – the University is standing by their professor and not bowing down to special interest groups! Snopes.com Claim: A Michigan professor sent an e-mail telling Muslim students to leave the country. Status: True. The story begins at Michigan State University with a mechanical engineering professor named Indred Wichman. Wichman sent…