
How to Fix the Republican Party

By Peter Ferrara  Why does the Republican Party keep nominating all these loser candidates, like Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney? Why did Republican primary voters pick George Bush over Jack Kemp in 1988? Why did they pick Romney over more conservative candidates, including some proven winners?   There is a structural problem in…

Legaizing Performance-Enhancing Drugs

Lance Armstrong is one of the most amazing athletes in history. It is rare to come across somebody who does not know his name. He won the Iron Kids Triathlon at age 13 and was the youngest person to ever claim the title of U.S. Amateur Cycling Champion. Despite a battle with testicular cancer, he…

Grassroots Opposition to Common Core turns out in Sheboygan County

By Media Trackers Staff   Last night, Oostburg School District held a Question and Answer session regarding the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). District Administrator, Kevin Bruggink, led the discussion and answered a multitude of questions about the standards. Parents, teachers, administrators, and stakeholders attended to voice concerns and learn more about the standards Gov.…

Making Peace with People

  Ayaan Hirsi Ali interviewed by Dror Eydar Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s intricate history starts in Somalia, where she was born to a Muslim family. At the age of five she underwent female genital mutilation. By her teens she was a devout Muslim. In her early 20s, upon learning of plans for an undesirable arranged marriage,…