
DNR Air Quality Data Gives Sand Mining a Clean Bill of Health

Voters Support Sand Mining Industry, WMC Poll By Eric Bott The Wisconsin chamber of commerce (WMC) announced new evidence demonstrating a strong record of compliance with air regulations by Wisconsin’s industrial sand mining industry, and new statewide voter polling showing strong support for sand mining. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has been posting air…

Obamacare: The Terrifying Consequences To Healthcare

 By Tom DeWeese As the Obamacare debate rages, we hear much about insurance companies, costs and people’s ability to pay. We hear the policy defended as proponents tell us it will provide healthcare to those who never had it. Of course, these proponents never seem to explain how those who couldn’t afford healthcare when it…

Carbon benefits exceed costs by up to 500:1

EPA“cost of carbon” analyses ignore huge benefits of hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide By Paul Driessen and Roger Bezdek The Environmental Protection Agency, other government agencies and various scientists contend that fossil fuels and carbon dioxide emissions are causing dangerous global warming and climate change. They use this claim to justify repressive regulations for automobiles, coal-fired…


The Week That Was March 8th, 2014  Quote of the Week “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” Albert Einstein [H/t ICECAP]  ******************************* Number of the Week 17% & 11% *******************************   By Ken Haapala, Executive Vice President Science & Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) ******************************* Challenging…

Attack on Silicon Valley Grid

By Rebecca Smith Military tacticians have long understood the importance of attacking weak spots in their enemies’ defenses. The strategy in chess is, “Hit ‘em where they ain’t.” Weak spots are typically supply lines and energy sources. In WW-II, British bombers attacked German oil refineries and German access to Rumanian oil fields. The Japanese attack…