
DC Swamp denizens strike back

Senators and crony corporatists deep-six proposed EPA reductions in biodiesel mandatesDespite what I thought were persuasive articles over the years, corn ethanol and other biofuel mandates remain embedded in US law. As we have learned, once a government program is created, it becomes virtually impossible to eliminate, revise or even trim fat from it. This…

No Words Needed

– In a recent polling of 585 NFL players, nearly all of them were unsure of exactly what they are protesting. Here’s a sampling of responses to the question “What are you protesting by kneeling during the National Anthem?” “Pretty sure it’s against Nazis – especially the white ones.” “We’re protesting America becoming capitalistic instead…


After a century of standing there in peace, statues erected c. 1920 by Democrats to commemorate Southern heroes of the Civil War are triggering violence across the land. President Trump was severely criticized for harshly condemning all the violent agitators, somehow implying a “moral equivalence” between “white supremacists” or “Nazis” and “protesters” in Charlottesville, Va.…