By Craig Rucker
Thousands of Californians have been burned out of their homes. The danger is not yet over. It’s hard to breathe. People lie dead in the ashes of their American dream.
For people of good conscience, this is a time for empathy, prayer, and whatever aid is needed to keep survivors safe, help them rebuild, and improve government’s ability to prevent and respond in the future.
For climate kleptocrats and ideologues, every crisis is an opportunity to increase their wealth and power.
Climate campaigners are “weaponizing every weather event,” is how CFACT’s Marc Morano put it on the radio.
Bogus “attribution” has become the woke-climate campaigner’s favorite weapon. Whenever tragic weather strikes, the media parrots campaigners’ claims that climate change makes extreme weather “more likely.”
How much more likely?
If the media was doing its job, reporters would vet these claims by following up with, “how meaningful was the climate change impact on this event?” This would force campaigners to concede that the impact was minimal, or not present. Particularly, if opposing analysis was fairly included.
We posted an explanation by data prodigy Chris Martz at
“To a hammer,” the saying goes, “everything looks like a nail.” To Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, everything looks like a pretext to expand the power of government.
Sanders, predictably, jumped on X, attributed the fires to climate and demanded that “Donald Trump must treat this like the existential crisis it is,” i.e, submit to the UN climate regime.
Chris Martz was having none of it.
“Hi there Colonel Sanders.” Chris tweeted. “Do you like facts? I hope you do, because you’re about to be sacked with some.”
Take a look at the epic sacking that ensued. Chris laid out the hard, historical weather data with detailed support from the high holy peer-reviewed scientific literature on California, fire and climate.
To sum up, the Santa Ana Winds blow hard every year. Past fires have been almost
universally attributed to human causes, not how you use energy. Fallen power lines are frequently to blame, along with other accidents, and arson -- which is no accident at all.
This current round of fires became a blast furnace when the Santa Ana winds reached hurricane force at the same time the fires burned. No amount of wind turbines, solar panels or electric vehicles could have saved the day.
Better forest, water and emergency management might have minimized them, and certainly would have mitigated their impact.
The Pacific Palisades have burned before. That is historically normal. What is new is the billions of dollars of development that has occurred since the last time they did.
How meaningful would the impact of better, smarter government have been? Very meaningful.
Pray for those whose lives and homes have been lost.
Lend them your helping hand.
Take action to ensure California is better prepared next time.